Spain Spain EuropeCurrent Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference

Spain is located in southern Europe. Spain's neigbours are Portugal on its western border and France on the other side of the Pyrenees mountain range in the north. The capital, Madrid, is located roughly in the centre of the country. Spain has one time zone and is typically GMT +1, but this alters to GMT+2 during Daylight Savings Time, which is in place during the northern hemisphere summer. But there are two more time zones: One for the Canary Islands and the other for Ceuta.

How many time zones does Spain have?

Spain has 3 time zones and a time difference from UTC+0 to UTC+1.

3 Time Zones

Time Zones (3)

Time Zone Universal Time Coordinated Current local time Major Cities in Time Zone
Atlantic/Canary UTC+0 18:51 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Laguna, Telde, Arona
Africa/Ceuta UTC+1 19:51 Melilla
Europe/Madrid UTC+1 19:51 Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Zaragoza

Country Information


Spain Flag



Continent: Europe




504,782 km²




Euro (EUR)



Phone Calling Code / Prefix

  • +34
  • 0034

Source: » Spain Phone Calling Code / Prefix

Country Code

ISO 3166

Neighbouring Countries

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