Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo AfricaCurrent Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, usually referred to as the DRC, is the largest nation in the central region of Africa. It is landlocked and surrounded by many other African nations including Angola to the southwest, Republic of the Congo to the north-west, the Central African Republic to the north and Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania to the east. Its capital city is Kinshasa and the nation encompasses two time zones, UTC+1 and UTC+2.

How many time zones does Democratic Republic of the Congo have?

Democratic Republic of the Congo has 2 time zones and a time difference from UTC+1 to UTC+2.

2 Time Zones

Time Zones (2)

Time Zone Universal Time Coordinated Current local time Major Cities in Time Zone
Africa/Kinshasa UTC+1 12:14 Kinshasa, Kikwit, Masina, Mbandaka, Matadi
Africa/Lubumbashi UTC+2 13:14 Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi, Kananga, Kisangani, Bukavu

Country Information


Democratic Republic of the Congo Flag



Continent: Africa




2,345,410 km²




Franc (CDF)



Country Code

ISO 3166

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