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    Why do I need a password?

    A password is required to ensure that only you will be able to access your personal account information, and even though we build numerous safeguards into the registration process, your best protection is a good password. Your password must be between 5 and 12 characters long, with no spaces or special characters. It should include only letters and/or numbers. It should be difficult for others to guess, but something that you will remember.

    How can I change my password?

    From the Login page submit your email address and current password. Select Update My Profile. Type in your new password in the Password field, then type it again in the Confirm Password field. Submit your change.

    What if I forget my password?

    From the Login page select the "forgot your password?" link. Enter your e-mail address and submit. Once you submit the address, we will send you an email containing a personalized link with instructions to reset your password.

    How do I change my email address?

    1. Log in to the site using your old email address and password.

    2. Select "My Xerox"

    3. Select "Update My Profile"

    4. Make changes and click Submit.

    How do I change the name, company, address or phone number for my account?

    1. Log in to the site using your old email address and password.

    2. Select "My Xerox"

    3. Select "Update My Profile"

    4. Make changes and click Submit.

    What if I don't have a Promo Code?

    The Promo Code field is not a required field in order to register for an account. Leave this box blank. Required fields for registration are indicated with a red asterisk.

    What is a registration code and where do I get one?

    These are available only to corporate customers who have established separate business accounts with Xerox.If you are unsure whether you have an registration code, please contact you account manager.

    Account Management

    Account Management

    What information do I need to sign up to use the account management features? During the sign up process, you will be asked for your contact information, company address and a Xerox account number. To access the bills and payments or pricing and purchase order tools, you need to provide a customer number and either invoice number or serial number. For Meter Reads, you will need the serial number of one your metered equipment items. 

    How soon can I access my account? Immediately after you sign up. 

    What if I have more than one customer or serial number? You only need to enter one of these numbers when you first register. Once you are in the different tools, you will see other associated customer or serial numbers. If necessary, you can specify other accounts that you need access to from within each tool. 

    Can multiple people access the same account? Most applications allow multiple users to view the same Xerox accounts. There are two exceptions. For meter reads, only one person can report readings for a single serial number. For renewing purchase orders online, only one person can renew purchase orders for a single serial number. 

    I am having trouble with my online account profile. Whom do I call for help? Support for Xerox Remote Print Services is provided in the same manner by which you receive support for your Xerox equipment. Visit the support website at or contact the Xerox Welcome Center at 1-800-821-2797 (U.S. only).

    Bills and Payment tools

    Bills and payment tools

    What if I do not have an inquiry service request #? Your Service Request Number (SR) was emailed to you when your inquiry was logged. If you no longer have it or did not receive an email, you can log into eCustomer by clicking here and select the "Inquiries" tab. A listing of your Inquiries will be displayed along with their status.

    Can I view my closed invoices? Only open invoices are available through "View or print open invoices". To obtain a copy of a closed invoice, use Contact Xerox about an invoice or payment to submit your request.

    How do I dispute an invoice? Use Contact Xerox about an invoice or payment to submit your request directly to Xerox.

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    I need to confirm the employment of one of your employees. Whom should I call? Please call 1-800-367-2884 for U.S. Employee Verification.

    Meter Reads

    Meter Reads

    How do I sign up for meter reads? Go to the Account Management page and select the "Submit meter readings" link. Follow the instructions on the screen to sign up for meter reads. If you already have an account on, you should begin by logging in. If you are a new user, you will need to create an account.

    How do I find the meter(s) on my Xerox machine? For help in finding the location of the meters on you machine, you must first log in. You will then be taken to the Enter Meter Readings page. Select the "How to read the Meter" link which is available in the Product Info column for each serial number. This will open a second window with instructions for locating and reading the meters on your equipment.

    Why aren't all of my machines listed in my equipment list? If you are missing metered equipment from your list, go to "Your Equipment List" and "select the add equipment" link. 

    How will I know when the reads are due on my Xerox equipment? We will send you an email notification when your reading(s) are due. Depending on the type of contract that you have, you will receive the first email prompt between the 20th and the 25th of each month. If a reading is still not received, followup email reminders will be sent beginning the 1st of the following month. Please ensure you submit a reading before the 5th of each month. Please remember that not all contracts require a meter reading each month. If you did not receive an email reminder, then your reading is not due. You can submit the reading if you'd like to, but that reading will not be used in invoicing.

    I am no longer responsible for submitting meter reads for some (or all) of my equipment. How can I transfer my equipment to the person now responsible? Go to "Update Equipment List" and remove the appropriate equipment by checking the "remove" box and selecting "Update." On the subsequent form, select the reason "not mine" for each equipment item and enter the name, email and phone number of the new person. We will automatically transfer the equipment to the other person if they are signed up to submit online meter readings. If the other person does not yet have an account, we will provide them with instructions on how to register and sign up for online meter readings. 

    Why am I receiving calls to submit my meter reads? Shouldn’t that be done automatically Our printers do have the option to send meter reads automatically. To find out more, please go to How to Connect to Remote Services. To begin, please click on “Get started” and then “Device Direct” and find your product from the list. If you would prefer to have someone walk you through it live, please call 1-888-339-7887.

    See more Meter Reads FAQs



    How do I recycle my used toner? Xerox customers return more than 2.5 million cartridges and toner containers annually through the Green World Alliance recycling program. Together, we've kept more than 145 million pounds of waste out of landfills over the past 20 years. To get more information on how and where to recycle your used consumables, please visit

    Service Agreements

    Service Agreements

    Why do I need a Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement? Xerox products are designed and manufactured to deliver peak performance when properly maintained and serviced. The Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement (FSMA) is the most cost effective way to ensure that you have access to remote support offerings and online support in addition to onsite support for repairs from Xerox-certified personnel using authorized Xerox parts.

    How can I buy a Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement? If you are interested in purchasing a Xerox Service Agreement, please call 1-866-382-4865.

    • What is covered by a Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement?

    • Support the way you want it, whether it is through your device, computer, on-line or over the phone.

    • Maximum uptime. Issues are resolved more quickly and easily.

    • The right solutions, at the point of need.

    • Minimal disruption to your business, fewer unnecessary service appointments.

    • When onsite support is required, all parts and labor are included with a Xerox FSMA, and you're guaranteed we only use authorized Xerox parts.

    • All software, software support and diagnostic licensing fees are included in your Xerox FSMA, ensuring no hidden costs, to enable the fastest possible repair.

    • Xerox also provides you with all engineering and safety retrofits, ensuring your machine is safe and running at its peak performance.

    Is there an advantage to buying a multi-year agreement? Yes! Xerox Service Agreements are often discounted for multi-year agreements. Contact the Xerox Service Contracts Team at 1-866-382-4865 for more details.

    Can I "trade-in" or upgrade my equipment while on an Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement? Xerox makes it easy for you to upgrade your current equipment. Service Agreement customers are assured the best trade-in value for their existing equipment, as well as access to the latest Xerox technology and promotions. Go to the Upgrade Centre or call 1-800-ASK-XEROX. We will match your product type and usage to the best possible and most cost effective solution.

    If I don't have a Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement, how can I get service? How much does it cost? If you do not have a Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement to cover your Xerox product, Xerox does provide on-site service on a "Time and Materials" basis. An estimated arrival time will be provided when the T&M service request is made. T&M service terms include:

    • Billing Rates: Billed at current labor rates, quoted at time of call.

    • Incremental charges are incurred if service is requested outside normal business hours.

    • Parts: 100% Xerox authorized parts billed based on the parts needed to complete repairs.

    • Response Time: Best effort; prioritized behind Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement customers.

    Additional support resources are available at the following links: Support & Drivers: Support blog: Twitter: Support Community:

    I just received a service agreement renewal notification letter in the mail. Is this the invoice for my next contract? Will I be billed? Xerox sends a service agreement renewal notification approximately 45 days before the renewal date of your Xerox Full Service Maintenance Agreement. The notification is not an invoice; it reminds you of the auto-renewal date of the agreement and prompts you to update your records if needed. Your agreement will automatically be renewed and requires no additional action on your part. Once the agreement is renewed, Xerox will send a separate invoice for the renewal period.

    How can I view my contact options and status? To view a contract online, you must be a standard commercial Xerox service customer with your customer number and serial number handy. Online viewing of contracts is not currently available for federal, state, or local government agencies. You can also call our Customer Business Center at 1-888-771-5225 and we will be happy to assist you.

    Service Requests

    Service Requests

    I need Technical Support. Whom do I contact? In the U.S. you can request assistance using the following channels: Chat with our Customer Support Agents or call 1-800-821-2797 for Customer Support. Visit our Contact Us page for more technical support options to keep your business up and running.



    Can I order Supplies online?

    Supplies can be ordered here. If you prefer to order by phone, please call 1-800-822-2200 and listen for the billable supply prompts. If you have toner included in your contract, follow the prompts for metered supplies.

    Once my supply order is placed, when can I expect delivery?

    Supplies that are ordered online and are in stock will be received in 3-5 business days via ground transportation. Service kits ordered online will ship within 1-5 business days. Expedited shipping (2 business days) is available if selected during checkout. Next day or 2nd day air shipments are not currently available for orders placed online. For express delivery service, please call the Xerox Supplies Center at 1-800-822-2200.

    How is the sales tax on my supply order calculated? What if my company is tax-exempt?

    Sales tax is determined by ship-to location and governing tax status. Tax is applied to all ship to locations in the continental United States and the surrounding U.S. territories. The sales tax shown on your online order total is an estimate. The actual tax amount will appear on your billing statement.

    If you are tax-exempt: Xerox cannot accept tax exempt orders online unless you are a registered My Supplies customer and the customer number that was used in your My Supplies registration process is on file as tax exempt. All other customers who want to place a tax-exempt order should call the Xerox Supplies Center at 1-800-822-2200.

    How can I order service parts for my machine?

    Contact the Logistics Customer Support Center at 1-800-828-5881 in the United States, or 1-800-668-5326 in Canada.

    Where do I find information about buying or using paper, tabs, or carbonless products?

    Visit the Xerox Paper and Specialty Media page for hints and tips, templates and more.

    If I place an order for an item on backorder, do you charge my credit card?

    Your credit card will not be charged until your order has shipped. If you have ordered multiple supplies, you will be charged only for the supply item or items that have shipped.

    How can I tell that my order went through?

    You will receive an e-mail confirmation that contains your order number.

    How do I check on the status of my order?

    To check the status of orders purchased online or by telephone, you can input your order number into the Xerox Order Status Service.

    What are the shipping rates?

    Shipping is FREE for all supplies orders placed on Please Note: We cannot accept web orders from outside the continental 48 United States. To order supplies outside the continental United States including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam etc. please call 1-800-822-2200.

    How do I update my supplies auto-replenishment settings?

    Please call 1-800-822-2200 and follow prompts for metered supplies. You will need a list of the supplies you currently have on hand and a current meter read from your printer.

    What is the policy on supplies returns and exchanges?

    Supplies ordered online can be returned or exchanged up to 30 days after the invoice date. After 30 days, supplies may be returned only if Xerox identifies a defect in product materials or workmanship. Xerox will refund the price of the item(s) plus sales tax charged. Shipping and handling charges will not be refunded. A 25% restocking fee applies for returns due to customer error and contract cancellations. To return or exchange a product, call Xerox at 1-888-339-7887 and request a Return Authorization Number. We cannot accept any returned supply products without a Return Authorization Number. All returned supply products must be in complete, unopened cartons and in good, saleable condition.

    What is the policy on product resale?

    Xerox supplies sold online are for customer use only within the United States. Resale of Xerox supplies is expressly prohibited.

    Xerox® Remote Services (XRS)

    Xerox® Remote Services (XRS)

    What is Xerox® Remote Services (XRS)?

    Xerox Remote Services (XRS) is a "basic print services" offering designed to help clients self-manage their print fleet.

    Using the required Xerox® Device Assistant (XDA Lite) software, XRS will provide the ability to self-manage a Xerox fleet; simplify the connection and reporting for automated meter reads (AMR) and automatic supplies replenishment (ASR); and is further enhanced by Xerox Device Direct which enables the collection of incremental device performance information used to facilitate improved service and support of your Xerox equipment. 

    Is there any cost associated with XRS?

    No – participation in XRS and access to the required XDA Lite software is available at no additional cost. Contact your Xerox Sales representative for details on how to start participating in XRS.

    What equipment is required?

    XDA Lite may be installed on a customer’s desktop computer or server that shares the network with those printers to be monitored. Please note that XDA Lite cannot be installed on a domain controller and a user account with administrative or power-user permissions is required.

    Information on specific system requirements and unsupported configurations can be found in the XDA Lite User Guide or the XDA Lite Security and Evaluation Guide.

    What data is transmitted to Xerox?

    Generally speaking, the data transmitted includes meter values, supplies usage quantities, device fault and performance metrics. In addition, there is information with regard to the specific product type and its configuration. Acquired data does not include customer document or file content that might have been copied, printed, scanned or faxed using the Xerox equipment.

    For additional detail regarding the acquired data elements refer to the Xerox® Remote Services Security White Paper or the XDA Lite Security and Evaluation Guide.

    How does XRS impact my network environment?

    While the collection and transmission of data required to administer XRS leverages your network environment, the size of the payload is relatively small. For example, the typical data file transmitted to Xerox is ~50KB in size per device. The default setting for the frequency of these transmission is once a day.

    If there is concern over the timing of the collection or transmission of the data, it is possible to configure the communications so they occur after business hours as long as the equipment and the PC or server hosting the XDA Lite installation is powered on.

    Can Xerox access my network if I participate in XRS?

    At no time does Xerox attempt to gain access to your network environment without your expressed permission. All communications between your equipment and Xerox is initiated from within your environment. The data that is routinely transmitted for use in administering XRS is limited to equipment specific identifiers, configuration, usage and performance metrics. Data collected does not include customer document or file content that might have been copied, printed, scanned or faxed using the Xerox equipment.

    Is the data used for XRS secure?

    XDA Lite is compatible with the security features built into Microsoft Windows® operating systems. It relies on a background Windows® service running under the Local System account credentials to enable proactive monitoring of printers and gathering of data. The user interface that displays the gathered data is accessible only to the power users and administrators who have login access to the Windows® system. The communication method is further secured by the use of the HTTPS protocol (with 128 bit encryption) when submitting data to Xerox. HTTPS is HTTP using a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Data transmitted to Xerox for use in administering automated meter reads (AMR), automatic supplies replenishment (ASR) and enhanced service /support is maintained consistent with ITIL best practices and the ISO 27000 standard. Be assured that the management of data integrity, privacy and protection are aligned with the highest available industry standards.

    For more detail, refer to either the Xerox® Remote Services Security White Paper or the XDA Lite Security and Evaluation Guide.

    What is Device Direct & why do I need to connect via both Device Direct and XDA Lite?

    Device direct is the term used to represent the capability that is embedded in many Xerox devices which enables the data required to administer XRS to be transmitted to Xerox. The data set transmitted via the device direct methodology compliments the data that is collected and communicated via XDA Lite by providing incremental data that enables improved service / support. Currently, in order to realize the maximum value of the XRS offering, the data sets from both XDA lite and the device direct method are required.

    How does Device Direct improve the service/support experience?

    The incremental data sent via the device direct connection provides diagnostic information specific to the performance of your Xerox equipment. Included are fault information, configuration details, usage metrics and connectivity status. This information is available to Xerox service & support personnel in order to provide insight into the root cause of performance issues and enable more efficient troubleshooting / repair processes. The result is that your equipment is returned to service and available for use in a more timely manner.

    What if I have CentreWare Web already?

    Accounts that employ CentreWare Web as a device management application may continue to use it in addition to the XDA Lite software application which enables participation in XRS. XDA Lite is considered to be a device monitoring application while CentreWare Web provides incremental capabilities that are required to actively manage the equipment within your IT network environment.

    It is important to note that, if both CentreWare Web and XDA Lite are installed in your environment, they must not be running on the same PC or server.

    Where do I go for support?

    Support for XRS is provided in the same manner by which you receive support for your Xerox equipment. Visit the support website at or contact the Xerox Welcome Center at 1-800-821-2797 (US only).

    I am interested in XRS – how do I get started?

    Click here to learn more about XRS or contact your Xerox Sales representative for details on how to start participating in XRS.

    • Woman in a bright office using a laptop next to a Xerox printer

      Online Invoices for Your Xerox Account

      Online invoices simplify your process, provide centralized history per location and more.

    • Woman using a Xerox MFP

      Submit a meter read

      Login to submit your meter read today.

    • Woman in an office using a tablet, with a blurred plant near the camera

      Purchase Order Management for Xerox Products

      We provide streamlined, secure purchase order management with the latest pricing and convenient renewals for your Xerox equipment.

    • Two people using a tablet

      Efficient Meter Reading Online

      Learn how our point, click and submit meter reading system is quick and convenient, saving you time. 

    Get Support

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    MySupport Portal

    MySupport from Xerox is an easy, personalized support portal for drivers, downloads, documents, and supplies for your equipment.

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