WIT Press

Returns Policy

Customers have the right to withdraw from the purchase of an item within fourteen days of receiving it. This applies to all of our products except for digital items (e.g. eBooks and paper downloads) where the item has been downloaded.

To cancel your purchase within the fourteen-day cooling-off period, please give the reason for the return, with your purchase number and your delivery address - Contact Us.

Please package the relevant item(s) securely and send them back to us at the following address:

Returns Department
WIT Press
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
SO40 7AA

We will need to receive the item(s) within fourteen days of the date on which you communicated your cancellation.

For your protection, we recommend that you use a recorded-delivery service.  Please note that you will be responsible for any delivery charges for returning the item(s).

Returned item(s) will be checked for damage and for any treatment that has reduced their value. We reserve the right to reduce the refund amount if any such damage or treatment is found.

Once the item(s) are received, we will refund the purchase price, minus any reductions (if purchased at a discounted rate then that price will be used as the purchase price).

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