CSS Grid Positioning Module Level 3

W3C Working Draft 5 September 2007

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Alex Mogilevsky, Microsoft, alexmog@microsoft.com
Markus Mielke, Microsoft, mmielke@microsoft.com


This module describes integration of grid-based layout (similar to the grids traditionally used in books and newspapers) with CSS sizing and positioning.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

The (archived) public mailing list www-style@w3.org (see instructions) is preferred for discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the text “css3-grid” in the subject, preferably like this: “[css3-grid] …summary of comment…

This document was produced by the CSS Working Group (part of the Style Activity).

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

This is the first public working draft of this module.

Table of contents

1. Dependencies on other modules

This CSS3 module depends on the following other CSS3 modules:

It has non-normative (informative) references to the following other CSS3 modules:

2. Introduction

Grid systems have provided great value to print designers for many years [THEGRID]. Now same concepts are applied to online content [SXSWGRIDS], [AGBDL]. Unlike print media however, dimensions of online devices vary broadly; a single fixed-sized grid that worked perfectly for print pages only works in a subset of web scenarios. Really adaptable solutions require dealing with a grid that adapts to fit devices of varying form factors.

This module adds capabilities for sizing and positioning in terms of a scalable grid . The grid can be specified directly by author, or can be implied from existing two-dimensional structures (tables or multi-column elements).

Grid positioning addresses layout in continuous media and in paged media.

Note that the adaptive grid is even more powerful when used in combination with [MEDIAQ].

3. Examples

Let's start with an illustration of grid positioning in action.

3.1. Example 1

example of a 3-column layout with an image
   that spans 2 columns

Float in a multi-column element

Figure 1 shows a 3-column layout in paged media. It can be seen as a grid with 6 vertical lines and 2 horizontal lines.

We can use the grid lines to position the floating image:

body { columns:3; column-gap:0.5in; } 
img { float:page top right; width:3gr; }
/* Figure 1 */

The statement "float:page top right" here positions the image at the top right corner of the page (as defined in [CSS3GCPM])

"width:3gr" makes image 3 "grid units" wide, where a "grid unit" is the distance between two adjacent grid lines. Each boundary between a column and a gap automatically produces a grid line, therefore to specify "two columns, including the gap between columns, but not including any gaps outside the columns" we can just say "3gr".

3.2. Example 2

The previous example addressed grid lines created automatically by multi-column layout (an implicit grid). In more complex pages, base grid of the page is designed in advance, and it is not necessarily used to be filled with content directly. Instead, elements of page content are aligned to the grid.

For this case, grid can be specified explicitly. It is not required (although common) that grid has evenly spaced columns with gaps in between. The grid is simply a collection of horizontal and vertical lines.

example of a multicolumn layout with
   additional gridlines in the middle of each column

Explicitly specified grid lines

These additional grid lines allow to position elements in ways that would be impossible otherwise:

body { grid-columns: * * (0.5in * *)[2];
       grid-rows: 20% *;
       columns:3; column-gap:0.5in; }
img  { float:page top left;
       float-offset: 4gr 1gr; }
/* Figure 2 */

In this example,

3.3. Example 3

The following example illustrates the use of a grid in construction of a complex web site. Note how groups of elements are aligned with different sets of grid lines.

[image of a complex page with overlaid grid][image of complex page]

Complex site designed with a grid

4. Grid declarations

There are three ways to define a grid.

  1. Explicit grid: defined with 'grid-columns', 'grid-rows' properties.
  2. Natural grid: automatically created by elements with a natural grid structure (multi-column elements and tables).
  3. Default grid: all other block elements define a single-cell grid.

4.1. Explicit grid

Outer edges of padding box always define grid lines. In LTR layout, left and top edges define lines that we refer as horizontal and vertical line zero (right and top in RTL). The opposite edges also define grid lines.

Additional grid lines can be added in the middle with ‘grid-columns’ and ‘grid-rows’ properties.

4.1.1. grid-columns’ and ‘grid-rows’ properties

Name: grid-columns
Value: [[<length>|<percentage>|<relative length>] |
([<length>|<percentage>|<relative length > ]+)[‘[’<integer>‘]’]? ]+ |
none | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width of containing block
Media: visual, paged
Computed value: specified value
Name: grid-rows
Value: [[<length>|<percentage>|<relative length>] |
([<length>|<percentage>|<relative length > ]+)[‘[’<integer>‘]’]? ]+ |
none | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to height of containing block
Media: visual, paged
Computed value: specified value

Space for each column or row of the grid can be defined as

A relative length has the form "i*", where "i" is an integer. When allotting space among elements competing for that space, user agents allot pixel and percentage lengths first, then divide up remaining available space among relative lengths. Each relative length receives a portion of the available space that is proportional to the integer preceding the "*". The value "*" is equivalent to "1*". Thus, if 60 pixels of space are available after the user agent allots pixel and percentage space, and the competing relative lengths are 1*, 2*, and 3*, the 1* will be allotted 10 pixels, the 2* will be allotted 20 pixels, and the 3* will be allotted 30 pixels.

This definition is taken directly from HTML4.01. But it doesn't have to be exactly same. The number doesn't have to be integer. And maybe the number should be required for consistency with other units.

For example this rule

div { grid-columns: 50% * * 4em }

Also, grid lines can be defined in repeating groups. A group is enclosed in parentheses and optionally specifies a maximum number of repetitions in square brackets. Nested repeating groups are not allowed.

For example this rule

div { grid-rows: 4em (0.25em 1em); }

For another example this rule

div { grid-columns: * (1em *)[2]; }

defines 3 columns of equal widths with 1em gaps, which matches a multi-column layout defined as

div { column-count: 3; }

(assuming 1em is the default value of column gap).

4.2. Natural grid

Elements with a natural grid structure define a grid that aligns with the structure. Such elements are

4.2.1. Multi-column element

Left and right edges of each column form a grid line. There are twice as many grid lines as there are columns.

4.2.2. Table

There is one grid line per row and per column. The line is at the row/column boundary.

A possible alternative is to have two lines per table row/column, on both sides of border-spacing. In collapsing borders model these border lines would also collapse in one.

4.2.3. Priority of explicit grid definition

If explicit grid properties grid-columns or grid-rows are specified on an element with an implicit grid the explicit properties have priority.

4.3. Default grid

Element that does not define an explicit grid and that is not any of elements defining an implicit grid is considered to have a single-cell grid, equivalent to having this explicit definition in default stylesheet:

* { grid-columns:*; grid-rows:*; }

5. Grid container

Using grid does not require any new rules on how the positioning container is determined. When grid units are used with all applicable sizing positioning methods, the grid is always taken from the applicable containing block (which is found as defined as defined in CSS2.1 section 10.1).

In this example, div1 is the positioning parent and therefore grid of div1 is used for positioning:

 .div1 { position:absolute; grid-columns:4.5em (1em 4.5em); } /* this grid is used */
 .div2 { columns-width:10em; column-gap:1em; } 
 img { position:absolute; left:2gr; width:3gr; }
<div class="div1">
 <div class="div2">
  <img />

However in the next example, grid of div2 is used by the float, because it is the float's containing block:

 .div1 { position:absolute; grid-columns:4.5em (1em 4.5em); }
 .div2 { columns-width:10em; column-gap:1em; } /* this grid is used */
 img { float:left; float-offset:2gr; width:3gr; }
<div class="div1">
  <div class="div2">
   <img />

6. Grid units

gr is used to position in relation to the grid lines. Actual value of each gr depends on the grid cell in which it is used.


div { columns:3; }
div img { float: top left column; 
          float-offset: 2gr; 
          width: 1gr }

The image is positioned over the 2nd column (left edge of second column is 2nd grid line from left; its width is the distance to the next grid line).

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Fractions of gr unit can be used too. In this example

div img { float:column; float-offset: 0.5gr; width: 2gr; }

the image takes exactly the width required to stretch from the middle of first column to the middle of second column. width:2gr in the example doesn't start from exactly a grid line, therefore it is calculated as a sum of grid parts (2gr = 0.5gr + 1gr + 0.5gr), which ends in the middle of second column.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nam at jus. Sed imp er di et ris. Cur abi tur et sapen. Fusce sed ligula a turpis. Vivamus a metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nam jus.
Sed imp er di et ris. Cur abi tur et sapen. Fusce sed ligula a turpis. 

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

6.1. Applicability of grid units

Grid units are applicable to all properties of block elements that take values of type <length>.

When applied to margins, borders and padding, grid units refer to grid lines in the direction of line progression (horizontal in layout with horizontal lines).

Grid units never apply to inline elements, including inline blocks.

6.2. Reference point for grid units

ISSUE: Calculating grid units require a reference point within the grid and direction. This needs a precise definition. For the same element, grid units for position and size may have different reference points (but probably not different directions).

6.3. Undefined grid units

Because of positional nature of 'gr' unit it is ambiguous in absence of position. Also, grid size may not be defined when a grid unit has to be applied.

In such case values specified in 'gr' units are ignored (set to their initial value).

Need some examples here. E.g. what happens to '1gr' float in a multi-column element within a table that is sized to content? Grid size depends on the float's size so 'gr' should be ignored.

7. Grid in overflow

When a measure defined in grid units extends outside the boundaries of grid container, grid lines are repeated according to the following rules

TODO: example

8. Issues

8.1. Snap to grid

Should there be an option to align flow content to next available gridline? It opens really cool scenarios. But are they compelling enough to create a next available notion?

8.2. Named grid lines and cells

If grid is used extensively, named grid locations would be quite helpful. Defining named grid lines could look for example like this:

body { grid-columns: "left-edge" * 1em * 0.5em "center" 0.5em * 1em * "right-edge";

But this syntax doesn't easily extend to named cells

8.3. Templates in CSS3 Advanced Layout module

"Template-based positioning" in CSS3 Advanced Layout module [CSS3LAYOUT] defines scalable templates for content to fill and also used the term "grid".

The relationship between these modules certainly needs to be well defined.

Note that technically these modules are not contradictory (as long as is defined how an advanced-layout template produces an implicit grid).


This specification is made possible by input from Håkon Wium Lie, Steve Zilles, Mike Duggan, Bill Hill, Geraldine Wade, [to be added].

Thanks to Khoi Vinh for the “Yeeaahh!” Example.



Normative references

Håkon Wium Lie; Chris Lilley. CSS3 module: Values and Units. 19 September 2006. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-css3-values-20060919
David Raggett; Arnaud Le Hors; Ian Jacobs. HTML 4.01 Specification. 24 December 1999. W3C Recommendation. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224

Other references

Charles Jacobs; et al. "Adaptive Grid Based Document Layout" in: ACM Transactions on Graphics. 22. 3. pp. 838–847. July 2003. URL: http://grail.cs.washington.edu/pub/papers/Jacobs2003.pdf
Håkon Wium Lie. Multi-column layout in CSS. 6 June 2007. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-css3-multicol-20070606
Håkon Wium Lie. CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module. 4 May 2007. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-css3-gcpm-20070504
Bert Bos. CSS3 Advanced Layout Module. 9 August 2007. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-css3-layout-20070809
Håkon Wium Lie; Tantek Çelik; Daniel Glazman. Media Queries. 6 June 2007. W3C Candidate Recommendation. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-css3-mediaqueries-20070606
Khoi Vinh; Mark Boulton. Grids Are Good. March 2007. SXSW Interactive, Austin, TX. URL: http://www.subtraction.com/pics/0703/grids_are_good.pdf
Allen Hurlburt. Grid: A Modular System for the Design and Production of Newpapers, Magazines, and Books. 1982. ISBN 0-471-28923-X.


Property index

Property Values Initial Applies to Inh. Percentages Media
grid-columns [[<length>|<percentage>|<relative length>] | ([<length>|<percentage>|<relative length > ]+)[‘[’<integer>‘]’]? ]+ | none | inherit none all elements no refer to width of containing block visual, paged
grid-rows [[<length>|<percentage>|<relative length>] | ([<length>|<percentage>|<relative length > ]+)[‘[’<integer>‘]’]? ]+ | none | inherit none all elements no refer to height of containing block visual, paged