SFF TA TWG New Company Membership Agreement

If you are unsure if your company is already an SFF TA TWG member, please contact us at sff-membership@snia.org.

If your company is an SFF TA TWG member and you are a user wanting to create a user account, please signup here.

Please complete the information below.

* Indicates a required field.

Company Information

Accepted Domains are used to verify that a representative is from a member company during signup. The domain on the representative's email address has to match a domain on the company's accepted domains list. List domains separated by new lines or commas. e.g., example.com, example.org

Primary Contact: Required

This is the person responsible for your company's membership.



You must be authorized by your company to sign an IP Policy. It is advised that you have your legal department review prior to acceptance. Please review the SNIA IP Policy here.

This MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT ("Agreement") sets forth terms and conditions of SNIA membership, when it is accepted and dues are paid. This Agreement is entered into between the SNIA, a  nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, and the undersigned member - either a voting member ( identified as a "Member"), or a non- voting member ( identified as a "Participant"). Members and Participants agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Agree to the current SNIA Intellectual Property Policy (IP). The IP Policy can be found here

    The purpose of the SNIA IP Policy is to protect the Members and Participants of the SNIA as they develop SNIA Architecture and SNIA Software. In summary, (see the SNIA IP Policy for full and complete information) this policy obligates SNIA Members and Participants to the duty to disclose any relevant patents (Essential Claims) that they hold relative to SNIA Works-in-Progress which may evolve into SNIA Architecture or SNIA Software. It also obligates those parties that participate in the development of SNIA Architecture or SNIA Software to the duty to license their Essential Claims under Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (RAND) terms.

  2. Agree to the current SNIA Policies and Procedures, located on the SNIA web site here, as duly revised from time to time;
  3. Agree to the current SNIA Bylaws, located on the SNIA web site here, as duly revised from time to time;
  4. Agree to pay the required dues $1200 (effective December 1, 2023).