DNA Data Storage

The first consortium of industry and academic organizations to focus on addressing the world's exponentially growing demand for archival storage by using DNA as data storage medium

See list of member companies | Visit the DNA Data Storage Alliance (External Site)

Is DNA the Future of Data Storage?

What if we wanted to fit the data from 150 smartphones – almost 10,000 gigabytes – in the head of a pin? We can – if our storage material is DNA. A few teams of computer scientists around the world have designed methods for translating digital code into DNA code. They work together with bioengineers who can synthesize DNA, building it from the blocks up. The result? Whatever information you want - text, an image file, or even a video – stored in a strand of DNA. 

DNA Data Storage Alliance, A SNIA Technology Affiliate

About Us

The DNA Data Storage Alliance was formed in October 2020 with the mission to create and promote an interoperable storage ecosystem based on manufactured DNA as a data storage medium. It includes over 40 industry and academic member organizations. The Alliance joined SNIA as a Technology Affiliate in 2022, combining the expertise of the Alliance’s membership with SNIA’s experience in open standards development.

Please also follow the DNA Data Storage Alliance on Twitter, LinkedIn, and at www.dnastoragealliance.org

Our Mission

  • Create and promote an interoperable storage ecosystem based on DNA as a data storage medium.

Our scope

  • Educate the market to create awareness and adoption of DNA data storage
  • Develop a DNA data storage industry technology roadmap to drive R&D and funding
  • Develop use cases, standards, and/or specifications as needed by ecosystem

Current work groups

  • Industry Technology Roadmap – Create, maintain, and publish industry roadmap for the DNA data storage technologies and identify challenges for the entire workflow
  • DNA Archive Rosetta Stone (DARS) TWG – Create a standard self-describing format, embedded in the DNA media, enabling the reader of a DNA archive to discover metadata about the main body of the archive (e.g., encoder used, object formats)
  • Interoperable Interfaces TWG – Specify physical interfaces and formats for DNA data storage system components to enable interoperability across different vendors.
  • Data Preservation / Endurance Methodologies TWG – Establish standard metrics and methods to compare and verify the data retention characteristics of DNA data storage solutions.
  • Codec TWG – Develop standard metrics and requirements for DNA codecs and facilitate the availability of open-source DNA codecs. 

Become a Member of the DNA Data Storage Alliance


DNA Data Storage Overview

DNA Data Storage at SDC