Individual Solutions for Your Needs

PowerDNS always provides you with a high-performing DNS solution and smooth operations. To achieve this, our consultants will collect your specific requirements, provide advice and assign a team that is positioned best in terms of experience, location and language.

    Implementation without barriers

    We support our customers with:

    • Deployments
    • Integrations
    • Validations
    • Upgrades
    • Migrations
    • Non-development services

    After defining your needs, a dedicated team is available to support your project through all phases. This team ensures a smooth transition to your new PowerDNS solution, from architecture drafts to ongoing operation.

    On-site Training for Your Staff

    To train your staff on the most efficient use of PowerDNS solutions, on-site training is available for customers. These courses can be mixed and matched to your individual requirements.


    & maintenance

    One-day workshop for UNIX admins


    Advanced deployment & maintenance including DNSSEC

    Two-day* workshop for advanced UNIX admins


    & maintenance

    One-day workshop for UNIX admins


    Advanced deployment & maintenance

    Two-day workshop for advanced UNIX admins

    NOC training

    Monitoring DNS performance from metrics

    One-day workshop for NOC operators


    Basic deployment maintenance

    One-day workshop for UNIX admins


    Advanced deployment & maintenance including DNSSEC

    Two-day* workshop for advanced UNIX admins


    Basic deployment maintenance

    One-day workshop for UNIX admins


    Advanced deployment & maintenance

    Two-day workshop for advanced UNIX admins

    NOC training

    Monitoring DNS performance from metrics

    One-day workshop for NOC operators

    *three days including DNSSEC introduction

    Contact us to learn more about our support and services.

    Contact Us