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The most rewarding jobs help you learn new and fulfilling skills. 💡 Indian social impact organization, Karya, uses Microsoft AI to provide their employees with educational tools to earn and learn:

Karya in India shows how learning flourishes with Microsoft AI. Inspiring!

F. M.

Software Engineer | Medical Doctor


This is powerful. And so beautifully written.

Saed Elahi

beyond banks capabilities ❤️

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Sumit Kale, MSc., PMP

Senior Project Manager @ Microsoft | Leading OpenAI & Cloud Migration Projects


Wow ! it's amazing to witness initiatives like this making a significant impact in diverse communities. This is what 'Empowering others to achieve more' is all about 🤝💪🏻! Proud that it's happening in my hometown, Pune 😍😊. Keep up the great work 👍🏻👏 !

Viral Mehta

Full Stack Developer | UX Designer | Visual Designer | Let's create a digital masterpiece together! 🎨✨


Good way reach out rural section of India, this will boost their moral and faster to adapt technology.

Absolutely! Learning new and fulfilling skills is indeed a key aspect of a rewarding job. It's inspiring to see organizations like Karya in India leveraging Microsoft AI

Alex Kottoor

3x Founder | 3 Exits | CEO, Dena Growth | Sharing startup lessons & insights for tech founders


Love all of this - keep up the great work! Startups will keep propelling us forward.

Sorin Ivanescu 🇷🇴

🙏Give me a new life🆘️View my profile #help #share ✅️🫂🌏



The initiative by Karya to integrate Microsoft AI in providing educational tools is truly inspiring. It encapsulates the transformative power of technology to not only create jobs but also empower individuals with knowledge and skills for a better future. Kudos to the teams involved in leveraging AI for social good.

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