Reconsideration Request 99-1
Letter to the Intellectual Property Constituency
Date: December 27, 1999


From: Andrew McLaughlin

Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 1:29 PM

To: Steve Metalitz

Cc: Hans Kraaijenbrink; Ken Fockler; Amadeu Abril i Abril;

Eric Brunner; Robert Gough; Louis L. Touton

Subject: Reconsideration Request 99-1

Mr. Steve Metalitz

Interim President of the IPC

Dear Steve:

ICANN's Committee of the Board on Reconsideration has received a formal request for reconsideration from Eric Brunner and Bob Gough. Their request asks the Board to reconsider its decision to grant recognition to the current Trademark, Intellectual Property and Anti-Counterfeiting Constituency of the DNSO ("IPC"), to partition the Constituency into two groups, to provisionally recognize the (Indigenous) Intellectual Property constituency originally proposed by Messrs. Brunner and Gough, and to assign one of the recognized Constituency's three Names Council seats to the Indigenous group.

In order to resolve this request, it would be very helpful to the Committee if you would answer the following questions, which address certain claims made by Messrs. Brunner and Gough in their request:

1. Does the IPC allow only non-member "observer" or other inferior status to Messrs. Brunner and Gough (and other persons interested in the protection of Indigenous IP rights)?If so, on what basis?

2.Have the membership criteria for the IPC been applied consistently? Have individuals interested in the protection of Indigenous IP rights been accorded different or unusual treatment under the rules of the IPC?

3. Is there any IPC policy that would prevent persons interested in the protection of Indigenous IP Rights from participating fully in the activities and deliberations of the IPC?

A prompt reply would be greatly appreciated. Please send your response to me, cc to the individuals to whom this email is addressed (the Reconsiderati on Committee, Louis Touton, Eric Brunner and Bob Gough). Let me know if I can clarify any of these questions.

Best regards,


andrew mclaughlin, senior adviser

internet corporation for assigned names and numbers

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