Bringing together document management, digital libraries and the Web is an important goal. Predictor: Masinter, Larry. Prediction, in context: Larry Masinter ...
Masinter had worked in the area of document-management-system architecture since 1988, he was involved with the Web standards groups from their inception, and ...
Larry Masinter. Larry Masinter, Principle Scientist at Adobe, shares his answer to the question “Briefly describe the state of the Internet today by starting ...
Larry Masinter, an internet and artificial intelligence pioneer who developed standards with IETF and W3C and worked at Xerox PARC, AT&T and Adobe ...
Larry Masinter, Principal Scientist and standards advocate, Adobe Systems. ▫ “Poor security – whether we are talking about hacking a credit card company for ...
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Larry Masinter, internet pioneer, formerly with Adobe, AT&T Labs and Xerox PARC, who helped create internet and web standards with IETF and W3C, said ...
21 Feb 2020 · Larry Masinter, internet pioneer, formerly with Adobe, ATT Labs, Xerox PARC, who helped create internet and web standards with IETF and W3C ...
Masinter, principal scientist at Adobe Systems, TAG member at W3C, formerly Internet architecture director at AT&T; http://www.linkedin.com/in/masinter.
Larry Masinter, internet pioneer, formerly with Adobe, ATT Labs, Xerox PARC, helped create internet and web standards with IETF and W3C, said, “Traditional ...
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