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Microsoft Betting BIG On Cloud With Windows 8 And Tablets

Updated Jan 28, 2016, 05:33pm EST

The upcoming Windows 8 launch will cost a staggering amount. Microsoft, the driving force behind personal computing for 30 years, is betting its future on the cloud and tablet computing. And there are two schools of thought about the sanity of that bet.

The Windows 8 release date is October 26; the tech bellwether whose operating system runs most of the world's PCs is tying its flag to mobile devices and cloud-based apps. In the process, it may be cutting the apron strings to the traditional PC, the device that Microsoft founder Bill Gates once said he wanted to put on every desktop.

source: Microsoft

The technology world has changed since Gates stepped away from Microsoft at the dawn of the 21st century. PC sales are flat—and have been for two years—while sales of smartphones and tablets are through the roof. The venerable desktop PC has been supplanted by the laptop, and tablets—led by the iPad—are starting to replace laptops.

Time for a big bet...

Steve Ballmer, who replaced Gates as CEO, sees Windows 8 as an opportunity to put his stamp on the company, and pivot it into a leader in mobile computing. He's putting in motion not just a product launch, but a three-pronged campaign.

Within days of the Windows 8 rollout, we’ll see the launch of Windows Phone 8, the smartphone software that Microsoft hopes will get it back on track in the mobile market, where it has lagged for several years. And the same week will see the release of the Surface RT tablet, Microsoft's first-ever computing device, which runs the cut-down “RT” version of Windows 8.

All Windows 8 devices will share a common look and feel, with "tiles" linked to apps filling the screen. For PCs, that means replacing the familiar Windows desktop, first introduced in 1995 and known by almost every man, woman and child on the planet. In its place is a new, “modern” user interface, codenamed Metro (although Microsoft is distancing itself from that name, thanks to a European trademark dispute).

Windows 8 will retain the other functionality of Windows 7, but Metro will be front and center.

PC users will face two big changes with Windows 8: Its emphasis on cloud-based apps over traditional software applications that need to be installed on the computer; and the way that Windows 8 is optimized for phones and tablets, putting an emphasis on touchscreen navigation. The user experience is deeply unfamiliar if you have to rely on a mouse to get around.

For enterprise users of the all-Metro, Windows RT version—which completely eschews the traditional Windows desktop—the cloud may be even more important. Access to legacy Windows desktop applications requires the use of desktop virtualization, essentially running the applications on a server and displaying them on your Windows RT tablet. That server could be in a traditional corporate data center, in a private cloud, or in a public cloud such as Microsoft’s Windows Azure.

With all this change in the air, the stakes are high for Microsoft, but Windows 8 probably is not a bet-the-company move. After all, Windows today generates less than one-quarter of Microsoft's revenues (the majority comes from business and server software).

Yet if Windows 8 bombs, it could leave Microsoft taking on water and heading back to port. "Windows is one of their pillars and pretty much the foundation for everything," says longtime Microsoft analyst Rob Enderle, who calls Windows 8 "a big risk."

But Microsoft isn't the only one at risk: Computer manufacturers—as well as makers of hard drives, monitors and other PC equipment—are as nervous as cats in a dog pound as they await the market's verdict. If consumers turn their back on Windows 8 PCs, the already-hurting PC industry could go into an accelerated side.

However, other analysts believe that Microsoft is taking exactly the right approach. Another veteran Microsoft-watcher, Paul Thurrott, says Metro and RT are the future: “By engineering Windows 8 this way, and not just making a separate Metro-only OS for tablets and devices, Microsoft is sending us an implicit but, I think, clear message—which is that the future of general-purpose computing will occur via devices and not PCs.”

Like other consumer products, Windows 8's success will depend largely on Microsoft's ability to sell the idea of a retooled operating system. But change is often a hard sell, as Apple discovered when it first introduced the OS X operating system for Macs, suffering a brief decline in market share.

Microsoft is taking no chances: Windows 8 will roll out with a marketing campaign estimated at $1.5 to $1.8 billion (yes, billion with a "B"). That's the biggest product launch in the history of the industry; it dwarfs the $200 million Microsoft spent to market Windows 95. In fact, notes Enderle, "the marketing effort is on a scale you don't see outside presidential elections."

So all-in-all, Windows 8 is a big bet, but one Microsoft thinks it can win.

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Dave Einstein is a veteran print and digital journalist, having worked for The Associated Press, Los Angeles Times and He currently writes the weekly Computing Q&A column for the San Francisco Chronicle.