Technical Committee (TC) Terrestrial Trunked Radio and Critical Communications Evolution (TCCE)

We are responsible for the design and standardization of TErrestrial Trunked RAdio (TETRA) and its evolution to critical communications mobile broadband solutions.

TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) is the leading technology choice for critical communications users. With a projected 5 million terminals in use by 2020, the use of TETRA in security as well as other business-critical markets such as the transportation, military, commercial and utilities sectors continue to increase.

TETRA is designed to address a specific set of communication requirements. These include high reliability, single and group calling capabilities, PTT (Push-To-Talk), and the possibility for direct peer-to-peer communications in situations such as natural disasters and emergencies when the supporting network is unavailable. Accordingly, much of our work of is driven by the requirements of Public Protection and Disaster Relief and other mission-critical services.

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