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Transform your social services procurement processes with AI-driven efficiency

TradeEdge SSP is an AI-driven platform that helps government and public sector procurement teams providing a comprehensive view of service provider performance and social outcomes. It simplifies complex social services procurement, ensuring compliance with regulations and enabling seamless collaboration between stakeholders.

With integration capabilities and compatibility with in-house Source-to-Contract software and other business process solutions, TradeEdge SSP:

Challenges faced by government and public sector agencies in managing social services:

Manual and inconsistent business processes – lack of standardized and automated procedures across different services, service providers, departments, and regions.

Disparate systems with limited integration – Traditional grant management systems not adequately linked with upstream sourcing and contract management systems, resulting in fragmented data and inefficient processes.

Limited visibility into social services performance – Inconsistent business processes and numerous standalone systems make it difficult to assess the effectiveness of social services investments accurately.

Compliance issues and suboptimal contract outcomes – lack of visibility into service providers’ performance and reliance on manual processes, payment errors occur frequently, leading to compliance issues and suboptimal contract outcomes.

Delays in contract processing and reduced service provider productivity – time-consuming contract processing, variations, and payment delays result in service providers having less time available to deliver services effectively.

Deliver a comprehensive view of service provider performance and social outcomes

Achieve transparency and accountability with comprehensive investment reporting Framework

monitor and measure defined performance measures to ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance with evolving policies and regulations

Streamline your payment management process

Whether it’s online or offline payments, split or recommended payments, or handling exceptions, our AI-driven platform minimizes manual errors and reduces time and resources

Optimize your procurement process with integrated contract management

streamline your complex and time-consuming contract management process with integrated features like auto acquittal scheduling, payment scheduling, and due date reminders

Streamlined, Integrated, and Scalable Solution for End-to-End Social Services Procurement Management

Proven track record of effectively managing and helping governments effectively manage multi-billion dollar annual social service spend
Transforming social services procurement by providing an end-to-end solution for contracting, payments, and fund acquittal powered by TradeEdge SSP
Extended suite of TradeEdge applications to manage related and downstream value chain functions
Goes beyond simply measuring outputs and focuses on measuring social outcomes, ensuring that the desired impact is achieved
Leveraging Infosys Consulting expertise in providing solutions for Government and Public Sector
Take control of your procurement process and drive social outcomes with TradeEdge SSP

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Enabling Queensland Government department to transition to outcome-based social services commissioning serving 5M+ citizens

The Department of Children, Youth Justice, and Multicultural Affairs provides vital social services to 5M+ Queenslanders by transitioning to the Procure-to-Invest (P2I) platform while managing a AU$1B annual budget across 600+ service providers

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Transforming health services for citizens of a commonwealth country with TradeEdge SSP

Empowering the country’s federal government to effectively manage a $16Bn annual budget across 1000+ service providers to provide critical health services to its citizens

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