Examining the Profession's Most
Pressing Issues.

Thursdays at 3pm ET


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Journal of Accountancy

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The Private Companies Practice Section (PCPS) supports CPA firms in tackling their top issues. PCPS provides firms of all sizes targeted and customizable practice management resources to position firms for success in a fast-changing environment.

Meet our Presenters


Rotating contributors include practitioners, thought leaders, regulators, policy makers, and a range of experts from across the profession, government and business.


Erik Asgeirsson

President & CEO
CPA.com an AICPA subsidiary

Susan Coffey, CPA, CGMA

CEO, Public Accounting

Tom Hood, CPA, CGMA

EVP Business Engagement & Growth

Barry Melancon, CPA, CGMA

President & CEO

Mark Peterson

EVP, Advocacy

Lisa Simpson

VP, Firm Services

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