BGP Update report for Prefix: (AS37148 - globacom-as, NG)

Report Period: 07-05-2024 00:00 to 20-05-2024 23:59
BGP Report Perspective: AS4637

Prefix: 00:00 to 20-05-2024 23:59
 BGP Updates:28 (0.00%)
 Status: Announced
 Origin AS:37148
 First Hop AS:37662
 Path: 4608 4826 5511 37662 37662 37148
 UpTime: 13d 12h 0m 1s
 WithdrawnTime: 0s
 Prefix Announce / Withdrawl Cycles: (+0, -0)
 Announce Interval:
 Withdrawal Interval:
 BGP WDL events:
 BGP UPD events: 28
 Origin Shifts: 0
 Next AS Shifts: 14
 Path Shifts: 23
 Path Change Interval: 13h 47m 55.0s (23)
 Attribute Changes: 16 (0)
 Origins:37148 (13d 12h 0m 1s, 1 times)  --   (AS37148: globacom-as, NG)
 Next AS Hops:37662 (6h 42m 31s, 8 times, avg 50m 18.0s)  --   (AS37662: WIOCC-AS, MU)
6762 (1h 10m 10s, 7 times, avg 10m 1.0s)  --   (AS6762: SEABONE-NET TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A., IT)
37148 (0s, 0 times, avg)  --   (AS37148: globacom-as, NG)
 Paths:4608 4826 5511 37662 37662 37148 (13d 6h 19m 30s, 9 times, avg 1d 11h 22m 10.0s)
4608 1221 4637 5511 37662 37662 37148 (4h 30m 21s, 8 times, avg 33m 47.0s)
4608 7575 6762 37148 37148 37148 37148 (1h 10m 10s, 7 times, avg 10m 1.0s)
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