The presence of the News crawl link on the left indicates that the news features are enabled. A few things to note:
  • You will only have the news features enabled if your site is currently included in Google News. If it's not, you can request inclusion.

  • In most cases, you should add the site for the hostname under which you publish your articles. For example, if you publish your articles at URLs such as, you should add the site Exception: If your site is within a hosting site, you should add the site for your homepage, e.g., If you publish articles under multiple hostnames, you should add a site for each of them.

  • You must verify your site to enable the news features.

We'll be working to make the news features available to publishers in more languages as soon as possible.

  • Your site may not have a robots.txt file at all (and therefore, allows access to all pages), but a URL on the site may redirect to a different site, which does have a robots.txt file. In this case, you may see URLs blocked by robots.txt for your site (even though you don't have a robots.txt file).
  • Your site may prompt for registration after a certain number of page views. You may have the registration page blocked by a robots.txt file. In this case, the URL itself may not redirect, but if Googlebot triggers the registration prompt when accessing the URL, it will be redirected to the blocked registration page, and the original URL will be listed in the crawl errors page as blocked by robots.txt.

Ask for help
Finally, if you still can't pinpoint the problem, you might want to post on our forum for help. Be sure to include the URL that is blocked in your message. Sometimes its easier for other people to notice oversights you may have missed.

Good luck debugging! And by the way -- unrelated to robots.txt -- make sure that you don't have "noindex" meta tags at the top of your web pages; those also result in Google not showing a web site in our index.

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