Student Projects Supervised by Helmer Aslaksen

Current Projects

  1. Proposals for honours projects. (Honours year is an additional year for our better students.)
  2. Proposals for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) projects.

Past Projects

Master Thesis

  1. CHIA Wan Ting, The Inverse Problem in Perspective, 2006.
  2. Aditya LIVIANDI, Reconstruction of Vermeer's “The Music Lesson”, 2008.

Joint ANU-NUS Master in Science Communication Thesis

  1. LOO Wei Yen, Does the present usage of Web 2.0 Tools aid in the communication of Secondary School Science?, 2010.
  2. GANESHINI D/O Sri kanthan, Strengthening student engagement in the classroom, 2011.
  3. Vanessa NERANJANI D/O Muhundan, 2011, Matching learning styles and teaching styles in biology teaching: an alternative approach to mainstream science education in Singapore, 2011.

Honours Projects

Honours year is an additional year for our better students.

  1. TONG Chiou Lian, The Classical Groups, 1991.
  2. KANG Mei Ling, Cayley Numbers and Projective Geometry, 1991.
  3. LIOW Yih Siang, Young Tableaux, 1992.
  4. ONG Bee Teng, Invariant Theory of GL(n), 1992.
  5. Angelina TEO Khor Ling, Canonical Forms of Matrices, 1993.
  6. HO Ngan Ping, Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms, 1994.
  7. KOH Suh Jiuan, Conjugate and Cut Loci, 1997.
  8. WONG Look Kwang, Algorithms in Invariant Theory, 1997.
  9. Muhammad FAHMY bin Babjee, Trigonometry of Complex Projective Space, 2000.
  10. Rachel LEE Tang Hwee, Calendars in Singapore, 2000.
  11. LEOW Choon Lian, Indian Calendars, 2001.
  12. WONG Lee Nah, Mathematics of the Longitude, 2001.
  13. SIU Mee Lin, Art Figures: An Exhibition at the Singapore Art Museum, 2002.
  14. TEO Shin Yeow, The Analemma for Latitudinally-challenged People, 2002.
  15. KAVITHA d/o Krishnan, Symmetry Classifications of Periodic Tilings - Escher's Drawings, 2003.
  16. NG Yoke Leng, The Sun in the Church, 2003.
  17. NG Lay Ling, Tilings and Patterns, 2004.
  18. THAM Peck Fun, Bisection of the Eccentricity, 2004.
  19. XIONG Dan, Geometry and the Imagination, 2004.
  20. LEE Suling, SIM Xiu Juan, YANG Yunhui, Measuring the Tropical Year in Chinese Astronomy, 2006.
  21. SUN Yifan, Using 3D Graphics to Explain Why a Sundial Can Go Backwards in the Tropics, 2011.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) Projects

These students are second or third year students.

  1. KUAN Shau Hong and TENG Keat Huat, The Chinese Calendar of the Later Han Period (abstract), 1999. (For more details, see my page on The Mathematics of the Chinese calendar.)
  2. NG Say Tiong, Calendars, Interpolation, Gnomons and Armillary Spheres in the Work of Guo Shoujing (1231-1314) (abstract), 2000.
  3. Daphne CHIA, Indian Calendars: Comparing the Surya Siddhanta and the Astronomical Ephemeris (abstract), 2001.
  4. Kevin HENG Ser Guan, The Mathematics of Astrology: Does House Division Make Sense? (abstract), 2001.
  5. LIEW Huay Ling and LIM Siew Yee, The Mathematics of Sundials (abstract), 2001.
  6. LEONG Wen Xin, Lunar Visibility and the Islamic Calendar (abstract), 2001.
  7. NG Yoke Leng, A Mathematical Supplement to “The Sun in the Church, Cathedrals as Solar Observatories” by J.L. Heilbron (abstract), 2001. (The project is a web page, but here is a printer friendly PDF version.)
  8. ZHANG Jieping, Strings of Long Months and Short Months in the Chinese Calendar (abstract), 2001.
  9. Kevin HENG Ser Guan, Perspective in Mathematics and Art (abstract), 2001. (The project is a web page, but here is a printer friendly PDF version.)
  10. KAVITHA d/o Krishnan, Polyhedra (abstract), 2001.
  11. CHONG Woon Hui, Polyhedra (abstract), 2002.
  12. Ruth POH Kim Muay, Symmetry groups in Arts and Architecture: Frieze Patterns on Ming Porcelains (abstract), 2002.
  13. Akhil DOEGAR and Akshay PRASAD, Indian Calendars (abstract), 2002.
  14. Akshay REGULAGEDDA, Panchanga-Tantra: The Magic of the Indian Calendar System (abstract), 2002.
  15. YEH Ka Kei, Vermeer's Camera (abstract), 2004.
  16. LU Tian Xin, The Copernican Revolution and the Size of the Universe (abstract), 2008.
  17. Madeleine CHEW Mei Ru and Christina LEE Yiwei, The Length of Vermeer's Studio (abstract), 2009.
  18. WU ChengYuan, Interactive Astronomy Using 3D Computer Graphics, 2010.
  19. Hannah BULL, The Analemma Dilemma: Solving visualization issues in astronomy using 3D graphics, 2011.

Ministry of Education's Gifted Education Programme's Science Mentorship Programme (SMP) Projects

This is a programme for gifted secondary (US: Junior high school) students.

  1. AKMAL bin Abd. Rahman and AMIT Jain, Raffles Institution, Astronomy and Calendars, 1995.
  2. SHI Fangying and ZHANG Mengshi, Enumerating 9 x 9 Sudoku Grids, 2008.

Science Research Programme (SRP) Projects

This is a programme for gifted Junior College (US: High school) students.

  1. Veronica CHIN Hei Ting, Raffles Junior College, The Mathematics of the Chinese Calendar, 1999.
  2. ZHENG Ser, Raffles Junior College, Quasi-Periodicity in Medieval and Islamic Architecture and Arnament, 2007.

Projects for Heavenly Mathematics & Cultural Astronomy

I have a separate page for the projects for my General Education Module Heavenly Mathematics & Cultural Astronomy. I don't supervise these. I just approve the topics, and the students work independently.

Click to see a larger picture

Projects for Mathematics in Art and Architecture

I have a separate page for the projects for my General Education Module Mathematics in Art and Architecture. I don't supervise these. I just approve the topics, and the students work independently.

Helmer Aslaksen
Department of Mathematics
National University of Singapore

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