Enterprise Linux Log

May 9 2007   12:06PM GMT

AMD will deliver open graphics drivers


AMD will soon deliver open graphics drivers, said Henri Richard just a few minutes ago, and the audience at the opening keynote of the Red Hat Summit broke into applause and cheers. Richard, AMD’s executive vice president of sales and marketing, promised: “I’m here to commit to you that it’s going to get done.” He also promised that AMD is “going to be very proactive in changing way we interface with the Linux community.”

The open sourcing of graphics drivers will indeed be good news, but it’s not a big surprise. After AMD acquired graphics driver maker ATI last year,  an announcement that AMD would be opening up graphics drivers has been anticipated. The other shoe has dropped, and the folks at the Summit in San Diego are very happy. Now, the new question is “when?” Richard didn’t say.

Well, in a webcast last week Richard told the world that AMD would be delivering Vista drivers, too, and supporting it with gusto. According to the blog, istartedsomething.com:

“First Henri announced that AMD will be rolling out a gold master image of Windows Vista for deployment throughout the company as a sign of their confidence over the stability and performance of Windows Vista with a combination of their hardware and software support.”

AMD’s got a lot of supporting to do.

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  • Jan Stafford
    By the way, Red Hat is all over doing good by doing well. The $100 laptop project has been touted extensively during the keynote, as well as the open voting project.
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