15GB of Free Storage, Thanks Google!

By on May 13, 2013

Google’s Director of Product Management Clay Bavor announced today on Google’s Drive Blog they’re plans to make life a little bit easier for you Googlers out there. Merging your Google storage for a seamless user experience.

Gmail was offering 10GB of free storage for emails, and along with your Google account, Google Drive came with 5GB.   Understanding the market and it’s users Google’s latest move combines those storage amounts offering a more seamless experience for your online storage of e-mails, files, and photos. What you end up with is 15GB of free online storage to divide up as you please.

In the past Google users that filled their Drive storage account have been known to resort to emailing themselves the file they wanted to store and utilize the 10GB available through Gmail.



Updates are also on the way to Google Drive storage page, featuring a pie chart that will quickly show you where your storage is being used.  If you need more storage Google will be offering additional plans starting at only $4.99/mo for 100GB.  Users should expect to see these changes roll out over the next couple of weeks.

Google Apps customers will also have the benefit of shared storage,  receiving 30GB of free storage that does not count against their total quota.

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