January 22, 1964, Page 33 The New York Times Archives

Goddard Lieberson, head of Columbia Records, was elected president of the Record Industry Association of America yesterday. Members of the association account for 80 per cent of the record sales in the United States.

Other officers named at the association's annual meeting at the Hotel Plaza were Arnold Maxin, president of M‐G‐M Records, first vice president; John K. Maitland, president of Warner Brothers Records; vice president; Robert M. Schwartz, president of Laurie Records, vice president, and John Stevenson, vice president and treasurer.

Re‐elected by the board of directors were Henry Brief, executive secretary, and Ernest S. Meyers, general counsel.

Mr. Lieberson is the seventh president of the association, which was organized in 1952. He succeeds Glenn E. Wallichs.

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