
'Chocolate Rain' gets YouTube award

And the award for the best YouTube music video goes to Tay Zonday and "Chocolate Rain."

Never heard of Zonday? Then you've either been living under a rock - or you don't own a computer.


Thanks to the online site that allows regular shmoes to post their homemade videos, Zonday just may be the biggest music sensation to emerge from Minneapolis since Prince. He's definitely the nerdiest.

More than 15 million viewers have checked out the scrawny singer with a James Earl Jones-like voice and weird vocal mannerisms as he belts out his song, which includes obscure lyrics like, "Chocolate rain, history quickly crashing through veins."

"It's the new Emmys," Zonday, whose real name is Adam Bahner, told The Associated Press. "It's the next Oscars. The next People's Choice Awards."

Eleven other videos from 2007 - in categories ranging from Adorable to Inspirational, from Comedy to Creative - were honored in the second annual YouTube Video Awards.

There was also an upset in the Politics category where the preachy "Stop the Clash of Civilizations" video produced by beat out the widely seen "I Got A Crush On Obama" clip by Amber Lee Ettinger, a.k.a. "Obama Girl."

"The [political] video that actually won in an election year wasn't one that had anything to do with the election itself," YouTube spokesman Aaron Ferstman said. "[It's a] video that deals with ... serious issues like discrimination, and that video's done in kind of a neat way that speaks to young people."

In the best eyewitness video category, YouTube viewers also chose "Battle at Kruger," which showed a baby water buffalo surviving an attack by lions and a crocodile, over the news-making clip of a University of Florida student pleading "Don't tase me, bro!" as police ousted him from a John Kerry forum.
