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White House Signals Support for Bill on Russia Sanctions

The White House supports legislation that would punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 election, a spokeswoman said, despite its previous objection to measures restricting the president’s power to remove sanctions on Moscow. 406

President Trump’s Request for Voter Details Rattles States

State election officials describe tensions as they try to cooperate with an unusual records demand from President Trump’s election-integrity commission, along with an intensifying debate over cybersecurity. 428

China’s Crackdown on Global Spending Is Warning to Big Business

China reined in one of its brashest conglomerates with the approval of President Xi Jinping—a mark that the broader government clampdown on large private companies comes right from the top.

Lawyers Target Opioid Makers, Same as Tobacco

Mike Moore, a pioneer of the cigarette litigation of the 1990s, is encouraging states to sue drug companies over the painkiller epidemic.

Facing more pressure to speed orders more quickly to customers, a rising number of companies are using high-tech robots in their manufacturing process. But could it render humans obsolete? The WSJ takes a look inside.

Facing more pressure to speed orders more quickly to customers, a rising number of companies are using high-tech robots in their manufacturing process. But could it render humans obsolete? The WSJ takes a look inside.

Next Leap for Robots: Dispatching Your Online Order

Developers are close to creating robots that can move products off shelves and into boxes, a breakthrough that would revolutionize one of the most labor-intensive aspects of e-commerce.

Eight Found Dead in Sweltering Truck in Texas

Authorities in San Antonio found eight people dead in a hot tractor-trailer, in what the police chief called a “horrific” human-trafficking crime. The trailer’s nearly 40 occupants included at least two school-age children.

OPEC Grapples With Growing Threats to Oil Deal

OPEC is worried that its plan to drain a global oil glut—and thereby raise crude prices—isn’t working.


Christopher Nolan’s ‘Dunkirk’: 'Virtual Reality Without the Headset'


Tour de France: Do You Know What Day It Is?


Goodbye, Sean Spicer: Memorable Moments From the Podium




The Coolest Fan Experiences at Comic-Con Aren’t Inside Comic-Con

To reach fans of “Mr. Robot,” “Westworld” and other entertainment, marketers are setting up elaborate installations outside Comic-Con in San Diego.


The Many Sides of Noomi Rapace

The Swedish actress, who gained fame in the original “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” series, plays seven sisters in her new film.

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