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Real-time business analytics for data-hungry CMOs

10:00am PST Wednesday, December 7th, 2016

Kenny Rogers said never count your money when you’re sitting at the table—but that just means you’re working blind. Data-driven digital marketers need to be constantly tallying up, because you can’t just stay on top of real-time data, you have to start thinking two steps ahead. Simple push tactics of the past have to give way to a dynamic, real-time movement of information, interaction and engagement between your company and your customers. But if you don’t know how to leverage real-time business analytics to separate essential behaviors from metrics that are mere noise, that incomplete big picture could lead to bad decisions, missed opportunities, and money left on the table. Join our latest VB Live event for insight into how to pan for gold, and turn information into insight. In this webinar you’ll: * Learn how to define the "truth" with metrics, and which version of the truth is meaningful to the business * Deal with the unpredictable nature of real time data blips * Frame business analytics into actionable solution-focused priorities for stakeholders Speakers: * Stewart Rogers, Director of Marketing Technology, VentureBeat * Michael Healey, President, Yeoman Technology Group * Wendy Schuchart, Moderator, VentureBeat

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How AI turns customers into big-spending brand loyalists

10:00am PST Thursday, December 8th, 2016

Customer loyalty is won with both marketing messaging and customer service that anticipates needs, answers questions, and solves issues on the fly. And a well-integrated, data-soaked AI platform can deliver that perfectly timed, exquisitely personalized customer service with the right message, right time, right place support and communication that leads to big jumps in engagement rates. Not to mention enduring loyalty. But while integrating AI technology into your marketing automation systems can help build profitable long-term relationships, there are security issues to tackle, privacy issues to consider, and data integration to execute flawlessly. Want to do it right? Join our free VB Live event to learn how master marketers join marketing insight with AI intelligence execution to significantly boost customer loyalty. In this webinar, you’ll: * Learn how deep learning can help your customers get a "human" through chat * Cut through the hype around chat bots and learn what really matters * Understand privacy issues around AI and how it may impact your org's security * Integrate a successful marketing campaign using chatbot interactions Speakers: Stewart Rogers, Director of marketing technology, VentureBeat Jim McGregor, Principal Analyst, Tirias Research Wendy Schuchart, Moderator, VentureBeat

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Squad goals: Why cost per lead is failing your lead gen strategy

12:30pm PST Tuesday, December 13th, 2016

Cost per lead. It’s like your basic black dress or suit -- never lets you down and crucial in crunch time. But everything we knew about about lead generation has changed. Marketing now owns most of the IT budget and is on tap for the lion’s share of revenue generation. If we’re supposed to Always Be Closing, the marketing team is on the line to deliver qualified leads with high ROI. That’s where we start to get into trouble. The new world order has moved way past cost per lead into outcome-based performance. It’s not quantity anymore -- it’s quality. How do you pull your marketing lead generation strategy out of this paradigm? We’re going to walk you through it in this free and interactive executive session with VB’s own director of marketing technology, Stewart Rogers, and his panel of lead generation and demand generation experts. In this webinar, you will: * Understand how to move past quantity and generate quality opportunities * Build the right marketing KPIs for defining lead quality and lead conversion * Define a conversion strategy that builds retention Speakers include: * Sam Yount, CMO, LendingTree * Jason John, CMO, Publisher's Clearing House * Stewart Rogers, Director of Marketing Technology, VentureBeat * Wendy Schuchart, VentureBeat

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Instant messaging: The future of mobile marketing

10:00am PST Wednesday, December 14th, 2016

The rise of instant messaging has created the largest and fastest-growing potential consumer audience ever—and a powerful opportunity to form instant, one-to-one connections between your brand and your customers. According to Juniper research, by 2019, over 160 trillion messages will be sent every year. That amounts to 438 billion messages daily. Most messages are read within three minutes of being opened—this kind of immediacy is unparalleled in other communications. And IMs can include a stunning variety of contextual, relevant, interactive content, and create conversations, engagement, and a deeply personalized connection that’s never been possible with email. Join our latest VB Live executive workshop to learn how to leverage the power of instant messaging to form meaningful connections and reimagine how you think about retail, customer service, and the entire customer experience. By participating in this VB Live event you’ll: * Learn how to leverage instant messaging * Capture customer details in IM * Leverage instant messaging technologies to improve your marketing strategy overall * Use the high engagement of messaging in terms of viewabilty Speakers: * Stewart Rogers, Director of Marketing Technology, VentureBeat * Quinn Banks, Sr. Mobile Marketing Manager, Farmer's Insurance * Wendy Schuchart, Moderator, VentureBeat More speakers announced soon

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Masters of Mobile Data IV: From hype to reality in 2017 and beyond

10:00am PST Thursday, December 15th, 2016

We all remember when experts said people wouldn't buy stuff with their smartphones. Now what? We're going to smash some currently myths that are holding your company back and make some big audacious predictions for the state of mobile business over the next five years -- 2017 and beyond. Join industry leaders for a lively hourlong discussion on the future of mobile apps -- and get your real world questions answered live. * Learn which mobile analytics will matter in the next five years * Understand the ways that KPIs monthly active users (MUA) can be interpreted * Measure beyond smartphones -- including wearables, connected cars and more. Speakers: * Evan Shuman, Moderator, VentureBeat * More speakers to be announced soon Sponsored by mParticle

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How to make money off of Facebook Messenger

12:30pm PST Thursday, January 12th, 2017

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Facebook Messenger is beginning to change the world for companies looking for ways to connect with, engage, and retain an unprecedented number of customers. And we’re guessing that’s probably you. It’s all because of Messenger’s developer tools, which have leapt on the promise of bots for customer service and native payments without ever leaving the platform--and have thoroughly delivered on it. Users stay cozily inside the Messenger platform to play games, search, shop, pay, and more, meaning they’re fully engaged with your brand in multiple ways in a single brand context. Facebook’s long-term plan: make Messenger the center of users’ lives. Your short-term plan: start positioning yourself to take advantage of this revolution in messenger tech innovation. Register for this free VB Live event now and learn how you can monetize Messenger. In this webinar, you’ll: Understand the broader digital wallet strategy to connect with customers through chatbots Get valuable tips to spin chatbots into gold Learn the biggest mistake organizations are making with payments through Messenger Speakers: * Stewart Rogers, Director of Marketing Technology, VentureBeat * Wendy Schuchart, Moderator, VentureBeat More speakers to be announced soon.

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Strengthening your app monetization super powers

10:00am PST Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

It takes more than Superman or his Justice League to develop and maintain an effective app monetization strategy. This is especially true in light of a recent report which found that 0.19 percent of all mobile game players contributed 48 percent of revenue. How can one identify the high-spend users while not alienating the remaining percentage that only have potential to spend within the app? Ideally, one would customize app strategy according to type of user. Better still, each user would have her own strategy. Unfortunately this isn't a scalable solution to monetization. In this webinar, you'll learn to: * Customize your monetization strategy so that it's scalable * Unlock the revenue potential of lower spending users * Attract higher-spend users * Negotiate monetization strategies without alienating current users Speakers: * Maximo Cavazzani, founder and CEO, Etermax (Trivia Crack) * Wendy Schuchart, Analyst, VentureBeat * Evan Schuman, Moderator, VentureBeat Register today for this free webinar.

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