Crytek Attempted Cloud Gaming Way Before OnLive

But it was not feasible

Cloud computing has been around for quite some time, as the idea of using a computer cluster in order to calculate certain demanding tasks and sending the results back to the original PCs is something tested and proven.

But when OnLive announced that it would be offering on-demand video game streaming for the masses through the use of even the most low-end PC, impressions really started to fly around the Internet. While some proclaimed it as the service that would bring the death of all other gaming platforms a lot of people were hesitant about the feasibility of the project.

One such company was Far Cry and Crysis developer Crytek, which now reveals through its CEO, Cevat Yerli, that it has had its own attempt at video game streaming in 2005, when it studied that possibility for its very demanding Crysis title.

“We had our research in 2005 on this subject but we stopped around 2007 because we had doubts about economics of scale,” said Yerli. “But that was at a time when bandwidth was more expensive. We saw that by 2013 - 2015 with the development of bandwidths and household connections worldwide that it might become more viable then.”

But Yerli added that the possibility of waiting for connections and broadband Internet to become something more available for masses was something that his company couldn't afford and scrapped the whole idea. This doesn't mean that his company isn't supporting OnLive, with which it already has a partnership for the Crysis titles.

Hopefully though, OnLive will become something feasible in the future and we will all be able to enjoy titles such as Crysis on even the most low-end platform.

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