Street Fighter’s Ryu And Fire Emblem’s Roy Confirmed For Super Smash Bros.

By Ishaan . June 13, 2015 . 2:29am

Rumours that Street Fighter’s Ryu and Fire Emblem’s Roy would be in Super Smash Bros. appear to have been confirmed. Two leaked videos share glimpses of both characters in action, and you can watch them below.




Rumours regarding Ryu and Roy first began in April, when a Reddit user named shinyquagsire23 found sound files pertaining to both characters in the latest update for the game at the time. Among the files was Ryu’s stage theme from the Street Fighter games, which is what added credibility to the rumour.


Today’s leak appears to be the result of the latest update (ver. 1.0.8) for Super Smash Bros. going up earlier than intended in Japan. Among the content added by the update is purportedly a trophy based on Splatoon, as well as new stages, including DreamLand 64.


Nintendo will hold a livestream this Sunday to discuss upcoming content for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Perhaps we’ll see Ryu and Roy officially announced then.


Source: Smash Bros. Reddit

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