SkyDrive’s new 200 GB plan: Enough storage for a photo every hour from birth to graduation

We’ve all witnessed the rapid proliferation of devices in our lives over the past few years, and I don’t know about you, but my files are also increasingly scattered—from my phone to my home PC, to my tablet. And these files are pretty important—my family pictures, financial documents, term papers, etc.
With SkyDrive built right in to Windows 8.1, we’ve made it really easy to always have your files with you; and for many file types, SkyDrive is the default location for saving your files. We didn’t want you to worry about filling up your hard drive, so we invented smart files to allow you to access your entire SkyDrive from your device, without actually having to store everything locally.
However, the number and size of these files also keeps growing and growing. I’m now in the habit of capturing a few gigabytes of photos on my phone each year, many more on my Fuji X-E1 camera, and I have even more at home on my PC. So we also want to make sure that your total SkyDrive storage space can keep growing in parallel.  So today, we are happy to introduce a new storage option to add 200 GB of additional storage to your SkyDrive for $100 per year.
Just to put that in context: 200 GB is enough space to take a photo, every hour, from the moment someone is born, to the day they graduate from college.



To help people get the most out of Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2, customers purchasing either device will receive 200 GB of free SkyDrive storage for 2 years, free Skype calling to landlines in more than 60 countries for 1 year, and unlimited Skype WiFi on their Surface 2 or Surface Pro 2 at more than 2 million hot-spots worldwide for 1 year. To learn more, see the Surface announcement.




We hope you’re as excited as we are about the ability to put even more of your files on SkyDrive with up to 200 GB of additional storage, and about the new Surface 2 devices that will come with this additional storage for free. We look forward to continuing to improve the SkyDrive experience and hearing what you think.


- Omar Shahine, Group Program Manager,

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13 Responses to SkyDrive’s new 200 GB plan: Enough storage for a photo every hour from birth to graduation

  1. RegedITA says:

    YOURdrive: for Everything in YOUR Life..
    YOUR world
    YOUR office
    YOUR moments
    YOUR life
    now is better: YOURdrive… feel YOUR emotions!

  2. RegedITA says:

    sorry maybe wrong for post repeat elsewhere :-P

  3. rafi says:

    SkyDrive is great, and the seamless integration with windows 8.1 is also great, but what is lacking IMHO is the ability to have a family account.

    I have windows 8.1 tablet and laptop, my wife and I both with windows phone 8, and with 2 kids, each with aseperate windows account, it is really hard to use SkyDrive together.

    Now 200 GB for 100$ year is good deal, but as long as I cannot share that storage with the entire family, it is simply not attractive for us.

    make the ability to have a family account, and to attach normal ms accounts to it, so that the same Skype credit, the same SkyDrive storage, the same music /app purchases and cloud collection, and the same Xbox account level are shared with all family members.

    if you do that, then Microsoft will have a huge advantage for families, and families have kids, which then get a phone, that could be a windows phone, if the dad/mom had that added value, of a family account.

  4. Aha says:

    Why pay when you get 10TB for free from weiyun? In addition there are no stupid file size limits as with OneDrive.

  5. AussieLes says:

    Dear OneDrive staff,
    Hopefully there will be increased functionality compared to the most recent releases of Skydrive. Our business (and from web searches many, many others) has been significantly affected by the removal of the ability to easily share a Skydrive folder with non-Microsoft users. We are continually frustrated and need to spend time helping other companies access specific folders we want to share with them. Please see
    Of even more importance (and more commentary on the web) is the need to share one set of Skydrive folders and files with more than one Microsoft Account. This used to be possible prior to the Skydrive changes brought in Windows 8.1.
    We have a legitimate need to share one set of folders/files and have them synced to a few user’s individual machines. This really badly affected us when we upgraded to Windows 8.1.
    Although we could easily go to Google Drive and very simply accomplish what we need, I am really hoping you at the OneDrive / Skydrive team in Microsoft will see this and restore an easy method to accomplish these two features. (Share with non-MS account; share same set folders/files with local sync amongst a few users.)

  6. lowik says:

    you can just store everything on your skydrive and share it with your family accounts and it will appear on theirs u know , just right click on the folder in skydrive and share :)

  7. Venrael says:

    I really love SkyDrive / OneDrive… but there’s one thing I’am really missing. A shared calendar where i can invite multiple family members to share their appointments. Also an Outlook integration of the calender would be a cool feature. So… PLEASE Microsoft… give us a SkyDrive / OneDrive shared calendar with outlook integration…

  8. Lukas says:

    Agree 100%

  9. Emilio says:

    At least a cloud service without spam ads, without false storage, and ready to upload all multimedia stuff

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