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HTC One wins award for best new mobile handset, device or tablet at MWC 2013

Posted: , by Maxwell R.



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HTC One wins award for best new mobile handset, device or tablet at MWC 2013
The GSM Association awarded HTC the award for best new mobile handset, device or tablet at Mobile World Congress 2013.

The award was determined by a panel comprised of industry professionals, members of the media and analyst communities. The new device has a lot going for it, and a lot riding on it as well. HTC has endured a fall from grace over the past couple years. The company needs a hero to save the day. The HTC One may be that device.

As we reported to you in our hands-on from HTC One announcement, this device is easy on the eyes. The build quality is superb and is probably the best build device turned out by this manufacturer. To back up the build quality, HTC also introduced its overhauled UI, Sense 5. HTC Sense has always been pretty snazzy and the personalization enabled by Sense is very useful. Sense 5 brings with it a new component, HTC BlinkFeed, an all-in-one aggregation which can replace the traditional Sense home screen.

Throw in a super-high-resolution display, Beats Audio, and a new take on camera technology which may prove to be a contender, and it is sure to make an impression. So, congratulations to HTC for the award, and keep checking in with us at PhoneArena.com for our review of the new HTC One.

source: HTC




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1. Whateverman posted on 02 Mar 2013, 14:47 34 7

Its well deserved. Hopefully not too early to say, "Welcome back HTC!"

12. tusshharish posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:44 1 20

i got many thumbs down but one won because nokia didn't introdure their flagship phone.......

27. Whateverman posted on 02 Mar 2013, 17:12 7 2

Woulda, coulda, shoulda... I can't imagin any company putting out anything that could have competed with the One.

29. SleepingOz posted on 02 Mar 2013, 17:26 16

Oh nokia fanboys these days. Smh..

47. amiroo posted on 02 Mar 2013, 23:12

what do you now about one my friend??
nokia didnt intodure??
u must guess if nokia introure the next lumia with only better camera could change it??(maybe with 190 gr)!!!
but why canon didn`t won it with best camera if nokia think all thing is only camera cus nokia=camera??
sure in other spc one overshade on next lumia..
one has unique features of future..dont forget it.

51. zuckerboy posted on 03 Mar 2013, 10:06 1

if they were , it would be awarded best brick of 2013 :D

52. amats69 posted on 03 Mar 2013, 11:11 1

Typical nokia fanboy.lmao

19. maccess posted on 02 Mar 2013, 16:08 2

did the xperia z is one of the contender?? if yes then congrats to htc..

26. shadez10 posted on 02 Mar 2013, 17:10 4 7

i prefer the xperia Z than the HTC one...

kudos to HTC though...

39. DerryAhmad posted on 02 Mar 2013, 18:44 3

It's not. The Xperia Z was introduced at CES 2013 ealier this year. The Tablet Xperia Z was introduced in MWC 2013 though.
Congrats to HTC! HTC ONE is definitely HTC's best phone to date.
Pretty excited about Nokia 720 too. The most exciting well-packed mid-range smartphone being introduced at MWC 2013.

2. BillyG posted on 02 Mar 2013, 14:48 16 8

HTC FTW!!, if only its a nexus device, it will be the perfect smartphone in 2013.

3. smallworld posted on 02 Mar 2013, 14:52 6 20

This smartphone will fail because of stupid marketing by HTC.

32. smallworld posted on 02 Mar 2013, 17:44 2 8

Well the first HTC One video looks very very cheap... in comparison to the Xperia Z... The horses at the end of the Z's video were probably more expensive than all of the videos they made for the One. Peter Chou said himself that they failed on the marketing front. Stupidity.

42. Taters posted on 02 Mar 2013, 20:07

I actually do not think that video was very cheap. Looks like the same people who did the Lumia 920 one and all those Hollister or Guess teeny bopper models probably cost more than the horses.



43. smallworld posted on 02 Mar 2013, 20:50

I still say serious lack of budget.

44. Taters posted on 02 Mar 2013, 20:51 1

Besides, it isn't Sony's fault that HTC spent all of their marketing budget on a show that no one except the really geeky websites attended. Silly HTC, they are not big enough for their own show yet, not even Sony is. HTC should have just used MWC like Sony used CES and just put that money into either making the handset better, more market research, R&D;, or commercials like Sony.

HTC has been listening to their phonearena fans too much and need someone experienced enough in marketing to tell them that they are nowhere near close enough to have their own HTC unpacked event yet. Unfortunately, they went through with it though.

38. Taters posted on 02 Mar 2013, 18:38 1 7

It will fail again because of copying the z10 and Xperia P. Plus sense 5 blink feed crap is going to suck. Plus the poor button placement. Plus being the same size as a 5 inch screen phone when the phone has a 4.7 inch screen. Plus the usual assortment of HTC manufacturing defects and software issues.

It has nothing to do with marketing. I can't believe people can't see that. If the GS1 and GS2 can survive on word of mouth than HTC phones would too if they were really that good. They are not, so please stop this Samsung wins because of marketing crap. The GS3 was the only handset they had where they marketed it more than the others.

I agree that the Xperia Z promo video was awesome though. Sony makes the best videoes.

49. CanYouSeeTheLight posted on 03 Mar 2013, 07:39 2

What are you talking about compared to a Galaxy S3 it is only a little bit taller but it is also a lot less wider, and that is a compromise i'm willing to have to have DECENT SPEAKERS which is something OTHER MANUFACTURERS DON'T CARE ABOUT. For you manufacturers have to do always the same stuff? All phones must look a like because if someone sacrifices form factor because of specs the phone will "fail". Grow up whinny baby.

54. Taters posted on 03 Mar 2013, 11:46 1 1

Um, it shouldn't be taller than the GS3 at all considering the GS3 has a bigger screen. The GS3 is thinner and lighter as well which makes this an even bigger fail on HTC's part.

57. CanYouSeeTheLight posted on 03 Mar 2013, 12:02 1

Right because an aluminium smartphone should be compared to a cheap plastic phone in terms of weight, right? The One does tapper to around 4mm so thinness is not a problem because it has an ergonomic shape.

59. Taters posted on 03 Mar 2013, 14:29

Of course it should. What do you suggest? A brick category? Then it would be down to the Lumia 920 and the HTC One for that award.

The GS3 curves at some measurements too, but unlike HTC, they do not need to declare it to avoid being too big for the screen size.

62. Taters posted on 03 Mar 2013, 14:53 1

Weight is decided by um... weight. You don't separate the weight comparisons just because one company chooses to use different materials. That is the companies choice and one of the consequences of using aluminum is a heavier phone, not to mention poor signal, no wireless charging, usually no NFC but I am aware the HTC One has it, greater heat sink etc. You don't just give it a pass on weight because it uses aluminum. Of course you compare them to all phones, including plastic ones.

4. som posted on 02 Mar 2013, 14:54 4

HTC ONE won the Award but a few sales and little profit now only $150 with 2 years contract.

5. lubba posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:07 4 30

It won because it looks like a blatant copy of the iPhone, just like every other Korean, Chinese, OEM.

6. yero789 posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:13 23 3

HTC is Taiwanese :D

8. androiddownsouth posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:20 17 1

Please explain how this phone is a blatant copy of the iPhone???? This I gotta hear.

11. thachlel posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:40 14 1

To many stupid fuking kids nowadays! Eat more n read more b4 saying n insulting

16. Kal-el posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:55 9

cuz it's a rectangle ....iDIOT

15. Jonathan41 posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:54 5

Explain your opinion. Because frankly, I makes no damn since to me.

30. windroid posted on 02 Mar 2013, 17:31 3

They wouldn't bother copy something outdated!

7. jroc74 posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:14 12 4

Its deserved.

31. windroid posted on 02 Mar 2013, 17:32 3 2

I think it's deserved too.

9. lyndon420 posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:27 15 2

They forgot to mention the stereo speakers with their own built-in amplifiers.

10. mooreokteacher posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:33 3 3

This is well deserved. I have heard many complaints about the placement of the speakers and wasted space. That is my favorite part. I am tired of having to cup my hand if I am showing a video. Pure genius. Plus, I hate hearing about the camera. It is a smartphone camera. If you want professional quality get a professional camera. This phone has power and design. Yes sir we have a winner.

13. scsa852k posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:45 1 1

It's well deserved but the competition wasn't that stiff at MWC.

14. lubba posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:54 1 9

It looks like the iPhone, period!!!!!!!!

21. androiddownsouth posted on 02 Mar 2013, 16:16 4 1

I have to strongly disagree there, as most will I am sure. There is no confusing the two devices if you can see at all. I could distinguish between the two if I was blind and just held them in my hands.

17. Jonathan41 posted on 02 Mar 2013, 15:58 5 2

Good job HTC the One is a great phone. Hopefully, people will realize it (with the help of your new marketing director) and go out an by it. I know I will.

22. Slammer posted on 02 Mar 2013, 16:41 2

I always realized HTC as a premium product and always got ridiculed for it. Always asked why HTC? Why not go with something cool?

Cool isn't always productive nor does it necessarily have consumers in mind. Cool is directed towards a novelty lifespan. Make the money on hype. This is more often than none; short lived.

What ever pact HTC has made with Apple, has somewhat diluted its vision. A vision I feel will bite them in the ass.

I cannot stress this enough:
HTC itself had confirmed to me that issues I was concerned about in their direction, were echoed by many others yet, they ignored us by seeking an Apple feel. Yet, in conferencing Samsung, their recognition of customer's wish lists, no doubt has made Samsung an easier sell.

I don't like to carry on with this subject, but removable batteries are a large interest of mine and others that have experienced issues. In visiting my local store, my friend(a sales rep), also confirmed that two days ago, he almost sold two LG optimus phones. Yet, because it had no removeable battery, They opted for the GalaxyS3 even though the specs where better on the LG.

Let's hope Samsung continues this trend. At 150-200 dollars for insurance deductables, who wants to spend that money when only two to three months within contract upgrade are near?

John B.

46. Jonathan41 posted on 02 Mar 2013, 23:12 2

You kind of went on your own thing there. The whole removable battery thing has never been that big of a deal to me.

I don't think that the HTC One is just some "Cool" gimmick. What make you feel that it is?

The Nexus 4 dosen't have a removable battery ether and I would call that phone a gimmick. I understand that removable batteries are a big deal to a lot of people but, after looking at iPhone and Nexus 4 sales it would be hard to argue that it's one of the most important things to the majority of costumers.

48. Slammer posted on 03 Mar 2013, 07:30


While I did post a statement of my opinion, it was not as my own. If you read other posts of mine and posts from other tech sites from many different people, this is potentially a huge deal.

I have owned HTC phones for 8 straight years with the Evo being my last device. As with the Evo, the USB charging port has suffered a premature fail on
4 of the six HTC's I've owned. Having a removable battery has allowed me and my wife (who has a Samsung) to nurse our phones until the contract is up. Paying top dollar for insurance deductable vs saving that money and nursing the phone for two more months until contract ends is a no brainer. Many of my friends and colleagues feel the same.

Like any normal wireless consumer, we don't generally have the money just to pay these claims or upgrade phones before contracts expire.

Also, I never called HTC out by name as a cool gimmick. I merely state that HTC and Apple few months back, have joined in on some pact together and suspiciously, we end up with HTC ignoring many concerns voiced by their long time supporters as myself. While removable batteries may not be a concerning factor to you, a high end handset shouldnt become a brick two to three months before contract ends.

Nexus4 sales haven't been exhuberant and Iphones are a socially different league over HTC. Wouldn't you agree? People overlook shortcomings when lusting for a product.

Should manufacturers be grooming us for what they feel our needs are or should we be grooming the manufacturer? I've been around the wireless business for 27 years. I welcome new technology and designs. But until the MicroUSB ports and batteries becomes more fail
safe, these handsets need to retain some consumer control for easy access. None of this 200 dollar crap just because the battery died early.

John B.

18. maccess posted on 02 Mar 2013, 16:03 2 3

so htc one beats the xperia z??

25. pyradark posted on 02 Mar 2013, 16:55 4

Xperia Z won at CES too, plus sales of this phone is doing very good!! Lets wait if htc can do that

20. Slammer posted on 02 Mar 2013, 16:09 2

And yet, I can't seem to be overly excited. I supported HTC for 8 Years. I loved their devices. But, they eliminated crucial elements that I require. It was a great run. Maybe I'll return when they re-implement what I desire out of a "Mobile" device. Because in reality, HTC always made a great product.

John B.

23. lubba posted on 02 Mar 2013, 16:46 1 5

Its bares iPhone resemblance. What can't you folks see!!!? I'm not downing this devices. I'm into blatant copies.

33. KFear posted on 02 Mar 2013, 17:54 2 1

We just want you to tell HOW to resembles the IPhone. I also agree that it doesn't resemble the iphone at all. Maybe the top and bottom of the face, but a lot of phones look like that. You can't comment and not explain yourself.

24. sithvenger (banned) posted on 02 Mar 2013, 16:50 2

It'll probably win phone of the year. Sweet device.

28. clark posted on 02 Mar 2013, 17:14 4 4

HTC fanboys don't be so proud of that achievement, just wait for Ga laxy S4 and that HTC One will lose its popularity so fast haha sorry HTC fanboys

34. androiddownsouth posted on 02 Mar 2013, 18:01 2

Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell. You may indeed be right, but you might be wrong as well.

35. tha.fox posted on 02 Mar 2013, 18:07 4

I dont care if the majority of people think the s4 is better I will never go back to a AMOLED screen because the color is to off and Nature UI its hidious especially after having the DNA. All your statement shows is that most people are uneducated on all the phones to know the htc One is going to be better than the s4. Anyone who looks at a galaxy phone and looks at the HTC One or DNA and says galaxy looks better has to be stupid

36. Slammer posted on 02 Mar 2013, 18:29 1

I will give you some education on HTC phones.

I have exclusively owned HTC phones for 8 straight years. 4 out of 6 handsets suffered premature USB charging port failures outside the warranty period. Not the fault of HTC yet a fault that removable batteries have saved me from having to pay top dollar on insurance claims. I have been able to nurse the phone until the contract is up. It has allowed me to save that money and purchase another HTC product. One handset suffered total fail. Luckily, having a removable sd card, let me switch my important info to my back up phone with ease.

As of last week, I have decided to end my relationship with HTC and move to another brand that supports these options.

It is amazing how people come out of the woodworks to pump up HTC now as I leave due to the newly acquired arrogance of HTC. Many same concerns were brought to HTC's attention and yet they ignored them. No dought why their first one series failed.

Have you ever been caught on the road while on business trips only to have your phone become a brick due to dead, burned out battery? Thanks to Samsung, I have the peace of mind knowing I have control in the situation.

John B.

40. Taters posted on 02 Mar 2013, 18:44 1 1

Please. The Galaxy S series have always been the superior handsets and I don't see that changing from what I have seen from sense 5 and the HTC One. HTC keeps making the same mistakes with change for the sake of change rather than trying to you know, actually improve the product and performance.

37. Taters posted on 02 Mar 2013, 18:32 1 4

The gsmarena preview says that the screen isn't that bright and the viewing angles aren't perfect. It looks like Sony isn't the only one that hasn't perfected the 1080p screen yet. It looks like it's up to Samsung or LG, again....

50. CanYouSeeTheLight posted on 03 Mar 2013, 07:47 1

Wow, your ignorance doesn't fail to amaze me. "The viewing angles are great, there's no shift in colors and only a slight contrast shift at extreme angles." Do you know what is a slight contrast shift? Also Samsung's screen at an angle if the background is white it turns to blue, how is that better than slight contrast shift? Don't even talk about LG they never had the better screens. Remember last year? When everyone praised the One X screen and many said it was the best screen on a mobile phone till date? And no the S3 failed to impress me because of the crosshatch.

55. Taters posted on 03 Mar 2013, 11:49 1

The Optimus G had the best screen by far for a handset in 2012. Also the Nexus 10 is far and away the best Samsung screen, so yeah, don't call other people ignorant when you are very guilty of it.

I was just repeating what gsmarena said, they said its not very bright and loses contrast when tilted. Go read it yourself. Don't shoot the messenger Mr HTC lover. Haha

56. CanYouSeeTheLight posted on 03 Mar 2013, 12:00

Oh, im ignorant? So why did GSMArena say this.

"The viewing angles are good thanks to the IPS+ tech, but not without some color shift and contrast loss"


"Sadly, the LG Optimus G screen is pretty reflective, which leads to a rather mediocre performance in strong sunlight."

So is that what you call the best screen in 2012? LMAO.

Some info that backs up my claims because unlike you i don't talk out of my a**.

"As you can see in the table below, the screen is pretty bright as well and its viewing angles are splendid - the icons look almost as if they are painted on the screen."
"Overall, the One X screen has no major weaknesses to speak of."
This is regarding the One X screen, a phone that came out half year before your beloved Optimus G.

Also why did you go and talk about a tablet when we were obviously talking about phones?

58. CanYouSeeTheLight posted on 03 Mar 2013, 12:07

Also a sentence from Engadget's Optimus G review regarding the "best screen by far for a handset in 2012": "It's definitely a top-notch display -- bright and crisp, with deep blacks and rich colors. Still, it falls short of HTC's gorgeous Super LCD 2 panel on the One X, which offers better viewing angles and remains the best screen on any phone we've ever used."

61. Taters posted on 03 Mar 2013, 14:47 1

haha I can see that the HTC fans are getting pretty butthurt. There there, it's okay. Once the HTC One fails again they might make some leeway with the HTC Two.

Don't worry though, Engadget will give it a great review. Everyone else might not though.

60. Taters posted on 03 Mar 2013, 14:44 1

You are ignorant aren't you? First, good viewing angles is not the greatest compliment. In this day and age, viewing angles should be great. You just have to look at those pictures posted side by side with the GS3 to see that the viewing angles on the HTC One are quite poor for 2013.

Secondly. I can find plenty of people who say the iphone 5, Optimus G, or whatever has the best screen but I don't need someone else to tell me what my eyes say. If you want though, I can dig up 3 or 4 articles including a scientific display mate article that says that the iphone 5 has the best screen. Guess who is that made by. That's right?! LG. Sorry HTC fan!

Third, Engadget consists of the most moronic HTC fan editors I have ever seen, I wouldn't take anything they say as evidence of anything. You would do well to follow my lead on that one.

If you would learn how to read. I said it looks like LG or Samsung will have to teach Sony and HTC how a 1080p screen is done. noticed I didn't say phone or mobile screen and even if I did say mobile, tablets screens would still apply. If you followed context properly like any with a brain, then you would realize that I am talking about the ability to make an amazing screen which doesn't exclude tablets. The technology is similar.

haha Treating Engadget like gospel, you are more pathetic than I thought.

64. CanYouSeeTheLight posted on 04 Mar 2013, 16:08

Not even worth to argue with you, if you did read my comment it was GSMARENA and ENGADGET not ENGADGET ONLY, do you delete the parts that don't matter to you? Also Apple's displays are not only made by LG, and they aren't calibrated by LG either and as a recent study showed Apple and HTC are the ones that calibrate better their screens, but i guess for you only your favorite brands are the ones that have good screens.

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