
Posts Tagged ‘Networking’

BlackHatEU : Hacking Cisco Enterprise WLANs

April 14th, 2010 1 comment

By Enno Rey & Daniel MendeCisco Logo

When implementing Cisco Wireless network infrastructure Enno and Daniel got the impression that, security wise, these systems smell.

First part of the presentation focuses on what a typical implementation looks like.

There are three generations:
1.    Structured Wireless-Aware Networks (SWAN)
2.    Based on managed APs and LWAPP (After acquiring Airport)
3.    Cisco Unified Wireless Network

The talk focuses on generation one and three.
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CA will not start… What do you mean, cannot download CRL…

January 20th, 2010 3 comments

As part of my work I was installing a Microsoft PKi infrastructure with two tiers. A root CA and an issuing CA.

Since the root CA is in another domain then the issuing CA, it took some fiddling and tweaking around with my CDP and AIA extensions, but that is another blogpost all together.

I knew I was in for some fun when when the following happened:

  • I installed my Issuing CA and generated the certificate request
  • I issued the request to my Root CA and generated the Issuing CA certificate
  • I tried to install the Issuing CA certificate and got the following error:
Cannot verify certificate chain. Do you whish to ignore the error and continue? The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline. 0x80092013 (-2168885613)

Cannot verify certificate chain. Do you whish to ignore the error and continue? The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline. 0x80092013 (-2168885613)

My first reaction was to call one of the network guest and notify him that I needed http access to the Issuing CA to the CDP location. But whil on the phone, I decided to try and to my surprise I was actually able to manually pull down the crl.

Intregued, I decided to check a few things:

  • I could download the CRL from both CDP locations with Internet Exporer
  • I could open the downloaded CRLs
  • I could telnet to port 80 of the both webservers
  • I could telnet to port 80 manually issue the GET /crl/CRLname.crl HTTP/1.0 command and get data back

O.K. what is going on here… Lets open PKI view, which is now included in Windows 2008 and Vista and can be downloaded for Windows 2000 and 2003.

It seemed that PKI view as in agreement, it too could not download the CRL from the CDP location

PKI view shows "Unable To Download" for both CDP locations

PKI view shows "Unable To Download" for both CDP locations

This did sent me on a wild goose chase:

But, as stated, I would use certutil to get the “best” answer on how is my configuration.
Certutil -verify -urlfetch “certfile.cer” will check *every* CDP and AIA URL (including OCSP) and tell you how they are all doing *at that specific instance in time” since it goes to the URLs immediately.

I exported the Issuing CA certificate from the certificate database of the Root CA and ran the command against is and this is what I found

E:\>certutil -verify -urlfetch <certfile>.cer
CN=Root CA
CN=Issuing CA
Cert Serial Number: 115d5f6400020000000b

—————-  Certificate AIA  —————-
Verified “Certificate (0)” Time: 0
[0.0] http://IIS1.domain1local/crl/Root-CA.crt

Verified “Certificate (0)” Time: 0
[1.0] http://IIS2.domain1.local/crl/Root-CA.crt

—————-  Certificate CDP  —————-
Wrong Issuer “Base CRL (13)” Time: 0
[0.0] http://IIS1.domain1.local/crl/Root-CA.crl

Wrong Issuer “Base CRL (13)” Time: 0
[1.0] http://IIS2.domain1.local/crl/Root-CA.crl


So while PKI view and the other error messages I was getting all pointed to the most common cause, it actually turned out that the CRl did get downloaded, but was not cryptographically relevant to what the system believes is the Root CA certificate.

Root cause

Inspection of the CRLs generated and the Root certificates installed showed what had caused the problem. In order to test the CDP extensions I had reissued the Root CA certificate, causing the Root CA to have three active certificates. Each with a different key.

This CA has three CA certificates

This CA has three CA certificates

When validating the Issuing CA certificate, validation would end at the last certificate issued, however the CA still signs its CRLs with the key pair of the first certificate.

I guess for me there is nothing left but to reinstall the entire chain.

BUG (and work around): Persistent routing issue on Win2k8 clusters

October 9th, 2009 No comments

Another good (shoudl I say brilliant?) information from our collegue Elianne van der Kamp.

Yesterday we discovered an issue with Windows 2008 clusters: manually added persistent routes disappear from the active routes table, when taking offline (or failing over) a cluster group containing an ip-address-resource.

This issue is documented here. This same article also describes a workaround for when you have multiple gateways on multiple NIS’c.

By changing your route add command from e.g. <route add mask –p> to <route add mask if 25>

With this second command you bind the route to the interface instead of an ip-address. And since it is now bound to a local device any cluster failover will leave the route in the routing table.

However this will not solve the issue we discovered yesterday: We are using 2 gateways ‘behind’ the same interface. So binding the route to the interface will not help here.

Example interface 18: mask, with added route mask –p.

When an ip-address will be taken offline (fails over) the Active route will be removed.

Accidentally we found out that adding the interface to the route will solve this new issue (thanks our collegue Enrico). So our new route command will have to look like this:

<Route add mask if 18>. This will leave the route in the active routes table.

Why does this work? And is it reliable?

Since we couldn’t find any google/Microsoft hits on this particular issue, we had to do a little registry digging.

The standard command <Route add mask > just adds the persistent route to the registry which triggers the ‘bug’.

However the new command <Route add mask if 18> also makes 14 changes in the cluster part of the registry telling it that this route is bound to the adapter and to be left behind on the local server in case of a failover

So I think it look pretty reliable. We did lots of reboots and failovers on the cluster and the routes seem pretty persistent now..

HAR: networking overview by the NOC team

August 16th, 2009 2 comments

How did you get the network here in the middle of the field (10Gbps).  By The NOC team

Internet was provided by XS4ALL, BIT and OpenTransit. There were direct peering connections with Akamai, Google and Giganews.

First problem: how do you get from Vierhouten to Amsterdam? In Vierhouten you have several options:
•    3KM fibers to Nunspeet
•    There are two fibers of KPN and UPC in Vierhouten

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Categories: Conferences, HAR2009 Tags: ,

Slowloris and Nkiller2 vs. the Cisco CSS load balancer

June 22nd, 2009 8 comments

Today I spent most of my time analyzing the Slowloris and Nkiller2 denial of service (DoS) tools together with my colleague Gert Kremer.

Slowloris (name after the slow moving primates is a httpd DoS tool written by RSnake of ha.ckers. It works by tying up the httpd worker processes by slowly sending more and more headers of an httpd request.

Nkiller2 is a TCP/IP DoS attack tool which was published in issue 66 of Phrack magazine. It works by tying up httpd worker processes by requesting a file then stalling, mimicking the behavior of a client with full TCP/IP receive buffers.

Cisco CSS is a load balancer produced by Cisco.

In nearly all of the infrastructures built by my employer Schuberg Philis, the web servers are located behind a load balancer. In most cases a Cisco CSS. Because some of our customers were worried, I set out together with my colleague Gert Kremer to see if having a CSS load balancer in front of the web server provides any protection.


First we just had to try and find out what Slowloris did with an unprotected Apache server. The first video shows what happens when you run slowloris against a webserver. The window on the top left shows the number of apache processes, the top right window shows the scoreboard. This shows what the http processes are actually doing. The bottom window shows the slowloris output.

Slowloris vs Apache (No load balancer)
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When slowloris is using 100 sockets, you can see 100 httpd workers in state “R”, meaning it is reading requests. The same is the case when running with 200 and 250 sockets. When running with 300 sockets the apache worker processes pool is exhausted and the web server can no longer service requests.

Slowloris vs Apache behind a Cisco CSS load balancer
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Slowloris is running against the webserver with 3000 sockets (should be more then enough). As you can see on the top two windows the load balancer does not forward any of the incomplete requests to the webserver. We have stress tested the loadbancer up to 10,000 sockets and it had no effect on the loadbancer.


Nkiller vs Apache (No load balancer)
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In the video we see for windows. Top left and right show the number of apache processes and the apache dashboard. The middle window displays the NKiller output and the bottom window TCPdump.

When NKiller starts we see the it exhausts the httpd workers processes by putting them in a state where they are hanging while writing their reply back to the client.
Nkiller vs Apache behind a CSS load balancer
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When NKiller was used against a server protected by a Cisco CSS load balancer the packets received from the load balancer do not match the expections of the Nkiller tool and the tool crashed producing a segmentation fault.