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Certificate validation problems after upgrading to Tortoise 1.7

A few days ago while starting TortoiseSVN it prompted me to update to version 1.7

After I updated to version 1.7. I could not connect to our internal repository anymore. The connection failed with the following error: SSL error: sslv3 alert certificate unkown.

SSL error: sslv3 alert certificate unknown

SSL error: sslv3 alert certificate unknown

Our internal respoitory is secured with a certificated issued by our internal CA infrastructure.

Root CA


Intermediate Certificate


Repository certificate

Surfing to the svn repository does not produce an error, so the certificate chain is fine. At first I figured that Tortoise was using its own certificate store, but it turns out that Tortoise does use the Windows Root CA store, so there is no need to add the Root CA.

After some more investigation we found out that Tortoise does use the Windows Root CA store to validate the certificate chain, but does not use the Intermediate CA store to complete the certificate chain, like windows does. Since all our client machines have the intermediate certificate in the Intermediate CA store we never noticed that the certificates offered by apache were not chained. After chaining the repository certificate with the intermediate certificate Tortoise was able to talk to the repository again.

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