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Q: I perspire a lot, even in winter. What can I do to manage this and avoid stains?

A: These stains are caused not by perspiration alone but rather by the interaction of sweat and the aluminum compounds found in most antiperspirants. With that in mind, look for a brand with lower aluminum content and use only a thin application. Allow it to dry completely before you dress. Wear layers so that you can self-regulate your temperature more easily. Opt for loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibers (such as cotton and linen). Remember that sweat stains are most conspicuous on light colors.—Carol Davidson, Carol Davidson, president, StyleWorks of Union Square


Interactive Case Study

An Employee Assistance Program Ups Productivity

Issue: Cigna's In-House Compassion

The Employee Assistance Program reduces worries and increases productivity for Cigna workers stricken by survivor guilt and other troubles

Analysis: Cigna Is Getting It Right

Organizations are wise to engage their workers and help them tackle survivor guilt and other woes

Comment: What Would You Do?

"I strongly support anything a business does to address the human side of business effectiveness. If the culture of the organization is to be supportive and head off personal and interpersonal problems before they have a business impact, EAPs are excellent resources."

—Sheryl Spanier, leadership consultant and executive coach, New York

Reader Poll

Has survivor guilt (the despair one feels when co-workers lose their jobs) affected your work performance?


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Reader Paul Whelan Writes:

"Apple's design is like fresh fruit or fish. It is wonderful at the time, but goes off very quickly."

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