Perl Trademark

The work of The Perl Foundation includes making sure that Perl code and documentation are free and open for all to use, and remain free and open for all to use. One of the many ways we do this is through the Perl trademark. The Perl trademark is a tool we can use to identify Perl code, documentation, projects, and other material originating with Perl, or licensees who agree to and follow certain requirements.

But our responsibility is also partly the responsibility of the whole Perl community. By helping us protect the Perl trademark, you help us protect the openness and integrity of the Perl language

These guidelines are intended to cover general situations, in a general way. Sometimes TPF may have different or additional requirements for specific situations.

User Logos

Any individual, organization, or company may use the "Powered by Perl" or "Programming Republic of Perl" logos to show support for Perl or as part of a notice to users that your product or website runs on Perl. On websites, these logos should always link to These logos may not be used on product packaging or to promote products and services, or to create the impression of an endorsement or certification by TPF.





Perl Marks for Use by TPF Organizations

The Perl logo, the Perl Foundation logo, and the bare onion logo are available for use by Perl Mongers, PerlMonks, and, which are part of TPF. These Perl marks are available for use on their websites and materials promoting Perl, TPF, and their projects (on t-shirts, mugs, flyers, etc.). This authorization to use the Perl logo is limited to uses by the organizations themselves, and doesn't extend to individual members. Representatives of the organizations should contact us at to obtain high-resolution versions of the Perl logo, and answers to any questions they have about use of the logo.



Use of Perl Marks by YAPC

The affiliated YAPC conferences around the world may use the Perl logo on their websites or materials promoting the conferences with prior written permission from TPF. Contact for permission, and once permission is granted, for high-resolution versions of the Perl logo.


Perl Marks Available for Perl Redistributors

Licensed redistributors of Perl code are permitted by their licenses to use the Perllogo in connection with their distribution services, on product packaging, and in promotional materials. Contact for more information on becoming a licensed Perl redistributor.

Other Uses

For any other uses, contact us at to discuss your proposal.

Use Guidelines

Anyone who uses any Perl mark is required to comply with these use guidelines, as well as the requirements in your license, if you are a licensee. For special or unusual projects, we may ask you to comply with requirements specific to your use.

  1. Marks must always be legible and clearly reproduced.
  2. Do not incorporate any Perl marks into the marks, logos, or name of your business, project, or organization, unless you have the prior written permission of TPF.
  3. Marks must be used in their entirety. Any variation in the form of the mark must be approved in advance in writing by TPF. A trademark symbol should follow all prominent uses of the marks. Certain types of projects, products and packaging may require additional notices. Please contact us for more information and to discuss your intended use. Use the trademark symbol as shown here:
  4. A notice which identifies TPF as the mark's owner must also be used. For example: "The Perl logo is a trademark of the Perl Foundation."

Onions and the Perl Trademark

People sometimes ask if TPF's use of an onion in the Perl logo means that independent projects that use or relate to Perl need TPF's permission to use an onion of their own design in connection with their project.

The answer is "not necessarily" as long as no likelihood of confusion is created. One of the fundamental legal bases for trademark protection is to make sure that the public can depend on a mark as an accurate indicator of a particular source or relationship, and one way of defining trademark infringement is to say that the infringing mark creates a likelihood of confusion. Likelihood of confusion is determined based not only on making a comparison of the marks side-by-side, but also on making a comparison of the contexts in which they are actually used. Thus, it's easy to imagine independent onions that would be fine, and independent onions that might not be. Contact us at if you have any questions, or would like us to evaluate a particular logo or usage to see if it would be an infringement.

Playing your Part

The Perl marks provide a valuable service to the Perl community and the public at large, and we are counting on you to share with us the responsibility of protecting their integrity. Thanks for your help.