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The issues making IT a political hot potato

The issues making IT a political hot potato

Comment With an election on the horizon, IT has shifted from the wings to centre stage, says Mark Taylor [12:59 BST]

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Firm measures will put stop to disjointed gov't IT

Firm measures will put stop to disjointed gov't IT

Comment Far from being joined up, the government's tech strategy is missing some vital links, says Nick White [24 Aug 2009]

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Ten essential backup tools for Linux

Ten essential backup tools for Linux

Comment Linux backup utilities range in power and sophistication — and will fit every budget, says Jack Wallen [21 Aug 2009]

How business users can capitalise on Twitter

How business users can capitalise on Twitter

Comment Business users can find it hard to make the most of Twitter, so knowing the key concepts is essential, says Jason Hiner [19 Aug 2009]

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Ten top wireless connection tools for Linux

Ten top wireless connection tools for Linux

Comment Linux is rich in wireless software, but a few utilities should be in every mobile user's toolbox, says Jack Wallen [14 Aug 2009]

Tech policy must emerge from the silo

Tech policy must emerge from the silo

Comment For the good of the nation, politicians must stop treating technology policy as a special interest area, says David Clarke [13 Aug 2009]

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Personal supercomputing anyone?

Personal supercomputing anyone?

Comment Personal supercomputing may sound like a contradiction in terms, but it definitely exists, says Andrew Jones [10 Aug 2009]

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Ten essential commands for Linux tasks

Ten essential commands for Linux tasks

Comment Of the dozens of Linux commands, there is a select group that should be in every user's armoury, says Jack Wallen [07 Aug 2009]

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Why the cloud operating system is a myth

Why the cloud operating system is a myth

Comment The emergence of the cloud operating system is a nonsense that just feeds the hype and confusion, says Lori MacVittie [06 Aug 2009]

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Ten Linux apps that get top marks from schools

Ten Linux apps that get top marks from schools

Comment Cash-strapped teachers and administrators have plenty of open-source resources at their disposal, says Jack Wallen [31 Jul 2009]

Sloppy risk assessment raises web fear factor

Sloppy risk assessment raises web fear factor

Comment Web security experts must separate actual risk from theoretical risk, says Mary Landesman [28 Jul 2009]

Top 10 pratfalls for novice Linux admins

Top 10 pratfalls for novice Linux admins

Comment As a new Linux administrator, it is easy to trip up over commonly made mistakes, says Jack Wallen [24 Jul 2009]

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Microsoft's magnificent seven open-source options

Microsoft's magnificent seven open-source options

Comment Joining the open-source club has many benefits. How many Microsoft receives depends on how far it wants to go [22 Jul 2009]

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Politicians should stay out of internet policing

Politicians should stay out of internet policing

Comment The law cannot hope to keep up with the internet, and just hampers innovation, says Axel Pawlik [22 Jul 2009]

How openness unlocks the web's power

How openness unlocks the web's power

Comment Accessibility and open standards have helped build the web and remain central to its development, says Bruce Lawson [17 Jul 2009]

Ten extensions that add Firefox power

Ten extensions that add Firefox power

Comment Firefox may be good, but there are numerous extensions to make even better, says Jack Wallen [17 Jul 2009]

What does the fall of GM tell us about software?

What does the fall of GM tell us about software?

Comment The fate of the US car giants may hold some important lessons for software vendors, says Mark Taylor [10 Jul 2009]

Ten tips to help improve your public speaking

Ten tips to help improve your public speaking

Comment If the thought of speaking in public makes your blood run cold, there are simple tricks you can use to take the edge off your nerves, says Jack Wallen [10 Jul 2009]

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Businesses need open access to Europe's fibre

Businesses need open access to Europe's fibre

Comment European firms will pay a high price if the EU mishandles access to next-generation fibre networks, says Nick White [09 Jul 2009]

Can tech giants talk you out of your datacentre?

Can tech giants talk you out of your datacentre?

Comment Several vendors are racing to build datacentres that will enable them to offer more internet-based services to consumers and enterprises over the next 10 years [03 Jul 2009]

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