Information on the
HTTP Server Project

The Apache project has been organized in an attempt to answer some of the concerns regarding active development of a public domain HTTP server. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server which provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.

The Apache httpd server ...

  • implements many frequently requested features:

    DBM databases for authentication
    allows you to easily set up password-protected pages with enormous numbers of authorized users, without bogging down the server.
    Customized responses to errors and problems
    Allows you to set up files, or even CGI scripts, which are returned by the server in response to errors and problems, e.g. setup a script to intercept 500 Server Errors and perform on-the-fly diagnostics for both users and yourself.
    Multiple DirectoryIndex directives
    Allows you to say DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi, which instructs the server to either send back index.html or run index.cgi when a directory URL is requested, whichever it finds in the directory.
    Unlimited numbers of Alias and Redirect directives
    Apache has no fixed limit on the numbers of Aliases and Redirects which may be declared in the config files.
    Content negotiation
    i.e. the ability to automatically serve clients of varying sophistication and HTML level compliance, with documents which offer the best representation of information that the client is capable of accepting.
    Multi-homed servers
    A much requested feature, sometimes known as the "APB" patches. This allows the server to distinguish between requests made to different IP addresses (mapped to the same machine).
  • Why switch to Apache?

    Speed, features, stability.

    The Apache Group will allow everyone to use and redistribute Apache without charge.

    The Apache Group consists of server users --- people who run web servers for a living, and will, if it is feasible, attempt to give other server users what they want. We have no outside sponsors to please and no institutional agenda of our own to pursue; everyone is welcome to make suggestions to influence the direction we take.

    Some existing prominent web servers have already switched to Apache code and are actively helping with development of Apache. These include Hotwired, MIT AI Lab, The Internet Movie Database at US and UK, and Hyperreal, as well as many other sites running various services and OSes.

    An incomplete list of sites running Apache is being maintained.

    When will Apache be available?

    Apache version 1.1.3 is currently available to everyone, and is the most stable version. Apache 1.2b8 has been released for testing, though we feel this release is also very stable.

    Will Apache be supported?

    Support for Apache will be via the comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix newsgroup. Our policy will be for complete openness, with the exception of reports of security holes.

    A number of companies now also provide full commercial support for the Apache server

    Bug reports and suggestions should be submitted by filling out a report form at If your browser is not forms-capable, or you can't access the form for some other reason, you can submit information by sending a mail message to Submission via the browser form is much prefereable, however, so please only send mail if there is no alternative.

    Since Apache was originally based on NCSA 1.3 code, many questions about it can be answered by many comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix readers who are not associated with the Apache project. Apache developers will regularly check this newsgroup for questions that need answering.

    Why is it called Apache?

    The Apache group was formed around a number of people who provided patch files that had been written for NCSA httpd 1.3. The result after combining them was A PAtCHy server.

    How do I get Apache?

    The Apache httpd server is available in the form of source code:
