“The Ultima VI Remake”: The End Is Near!

Exciting news from the long-dormant website of The Ultima 6 Remake (the Exult-based remake of Ultima 6): the project is just about done, and nearly ready to be released!

The end is near! I’ve been working on this project off an on for longer than I’d like to admit but finally it’s pretty much ready to get out the door. Over the past few years I’ve worked from home so when things have been slow I’ve been able to do a lot of work on it. It will never be “truly complete” but at least getting it out there in workable form there is always room to pick it back up and make changes here and there. Pretty much everything is done. All npcs have new portraits that I did by hand after writing a java program to help convert the original U6 portraits to an SI style format. Most npc conversations are in a uniform format that I have made to resemble SI style conversations, albeit a few npcs I have missed. The plot works, the game can be played through to the end and I have wrapped up a few sidequests. There will probably be updates to it eventually as I had other plans for sidequests but as is the game works. So with that said, we are shooting for an end of February beta release!

Obviously some things will need polishing, but I’m ready to reveal a new project we’ve been working on – Ultima II for Exult! It had been retconned in U6 to take place on Sosaria, so we have been coming up with something to fit within the lore and it should be pretty awesome. Knowing what I know now, and all the tricks I’ve learned along the way, and an (almost) minor in game design.. shouldn’t take me this long! In fact, I already have the bare bones of the map ready (at least one of the maps that is!). But more on that later…

As a teaser of sorts, the project team have uploaded a partial walkthrough video, showcasing the in-game introductory sequence and the first 20 minutes of gameplay. All in all, it looks like an impressive re-creation of The False Prophet.

3 Responses

  1. Sherry! The Fake L.B.!

    I wonder if the gypsies are there, too, and the Wine virtues. LOL. I can’t wait to play this Exult version of Ultima VI!

  2. Obiwan says:

    Oh. Great! That’s My Favorite Episode of All of Ultima Series.

    May I ask something? How about Porting Ultima 4 for Exult? Acutally, I’ve heard the fame a lot of times, but I didn’t played yet because of the interface. The interface is too old for these days, so I could not adapt it. Surely there are many people like me. 😀

    • WtF Dragon says:

      It’s not that it couldn’t be done, just that it’s a much bigger project than it sounds like…which would need to be undertaken as a “spare time” thing by whomever wanted to take it on.

      Case in point: this U6 remake has been in the works for around a decade.

      There are some NWN-based remakes of U4; have you tried any of those?