Applied Children’s Case Studies

We are excited to announce the publication of the IEEE SA Designing Trustworthy Digital Experiences for Children Case Study Report

These case studies show how to bridge principles to best practices and foster trustworthy and positive online/offline experiences for children. They demonstrate how thoughtful approaches to important aspects around children’s rights can enhance trustworthy online/offline experiences.

Applied Case Studies for Designing Trustworthy Digital Experiences for Children

Second of the ongoing series, the report contains 8 case studies focused on responsibly connecting digitally with children, using minimal data collection, and better ways of obtaining parental consent. To explore the case studies listed below, download the report to get a better understanding of their solutions.

Explore the Applied Case Studies

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IEEE SA Children's Data Governance Applied Case Study Report

The report contains eleven case studies of companies that build applications and websites while applying principles of age-appropriate, inclusive design, and data governance considerations to respect children’s rights. To explore the case studies listed below, download the report to get a better understanding of their solutions.

Explore the Applied Case Studies

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Download the Free Reports

Please fill out the form below to receive an email with links to download the PDF reports. We will keep you updated on related activities, including when we launch our next call for case studies.

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