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We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

As many of you have pointed out, there's a need for a Scratch project player that works on mobile iOS and Android devices that don't support Flash. Tim Mickel, an MIT undergrad who worked with LLK, created a foundation for an HTML5 Scratch project player. But it still needs a lot of work. We decided to release the unfinished HTML5 player code under an open source license, and ask for contributions from the greater Scratch community.

Do you know someone with Javascript / HTML 5 skills that would like to contribute to Scratch? Please ping them with a link to the html5 Scratch project player on github!

We don't plan to add any new features that the current Flash-based Scratch player doesn't support. Our goal is to make a player that plays Scratch projects exactly the same as the flash player. We've made a test harness, included with the source, so that coders can view projects in the flash player and the html 5 player side-by-side, to better isolate and fix differences in performance or behavior in the html5 player.

Here's jTron's instructions for getting it running on a Mac.
Here's Zatherz instructions for getting it running on Linux

Thanks, and Scratch On!

Last edited by Paddle2See (Aug. 11, 2014 09:38:46)

    500+ posts

    We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

    Cool! I have no idea how HTML/JS works, so I have no idea on that!

    However, I would appreciate instructions on how to get it to run locally!

    Last edited by MrFlash67 (Oct. 29, 2013 21:12:48)

    like tears in chocolate rain
    (2012 - 2022 - 20XX)
      1000+ posts

      We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

      MrFlash67 wrote:

      Cool! I have no idea how HTML/JS works, so I have no idea on that!

      However, I would appreciate instructions on how to get it to run locally!

      That would be a great thing for someone to add to the readme, and then submit a pull request.
        1000+ posts

        We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

        I know we'll be able to play projects in it, but what about create projects in the editor? And I apologize that I can't contribute, as I'm learning other languages. I'm looking forward to it!

        And as stated above, how exactly do we run it?

        Last edited by turkey3_test (Oct. 29, 2013 21:18:39)

          1000+ posts

          We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

          I'll help! Thanks!

          Remember when I looked like this? I still do.

          Float, my Scratch 2.0 mod | My (somewhat under-construction) blog
            1000+ posts

            We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

            The link is broken. It gives me a 503 error.

            Remember when I looked like this? I still do.

            Float, my Scratch 2.0 mod | My (somewhat under-construction) blog
              100+ posts

              We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

              Although I use the PuffinBrowser on my iPad and have tweeted to request the Scratch Website be whitelisted to the new and free for Education PuffinAcademy browser, it is great news that a HTML5 Scratch player is being planned. I will be watching with interest

              Latest project updated: X-Y Coordinates Challenge - 14 Jan 2014: Various improvements.

              My Likes Studios [ Animation | Art | Education | Games | Simulation | Stories ]
              Please take a look and follow any studios that interest you with the projects I am adding.
                1000+ posts

                We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                davidkt wrote:

                The link is broken. It gives me a 503 error.

                Ah, no, Github is just down at the moment. They get D'Dosd a lot for some reason. Should be back up again soon!
                  1000+ posts

                  We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                  I have a build running at and will try to update it often.

                  trans rights are human rights
                    1000+ posts

                    We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                    I seen this on GitHub yesterday (before this was posted) and made a topic about it. I cloned the repository and put it on my local web server. It says the project is loading but doesn't actually load the project. I am using Google Chrome (version 31 or 32 I think) on OS X 10.9. I will probably try to get it working later.

                    EDIT: Just checked the GitHub repo. Seems like that problem was fixed lol

                    Last edited by nathanprocks (Oct. 29, 2013 22:24:43)

                    My browser / operating system: Macrosoft Winding XO, Internet Exploder 6.0, Angel Player ver.:1.2.5
                      New to Scratch
                      1 post

                      We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                      Have you guys considered OpenFL? It uses the same Flash API, but compiles to iOS and Android natively. It also has the ability to compile to HTML5
                        500+ posts

                        We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                        Can Python be used with/for developing this?

                        like tears in chocolate rain
                        (2012 - 2022 - 20XX)
                          1000+ posts

                          We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                          Cool! I just got this running locally, and I could help some with debugging and stuff.

                          EDIT: Does this support reading scratch 1.4 projects yet?

                          Last edited by djdolphin (Oct. 29, 2013 23:20:39)

                            1000+ posts

                            We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                            Awesome! My knowledge of html and JS are limited, so I won't be able to help with this (I wish I could).

                            I'm glad it's open source, though! Maybe I'll find a way to remove the green flag and stop sign. Those things are great for scratch, but I'd like to be able to create more professional looking games. Looks like that'll be coming soon (hopefully)!

                            Thanks for all your work, ST!
                              1000+ posts

                              We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                              Awesome! I can't really do HTML5, oh my I'm just learning it. I'd rather CSS Well, maybe I can send some of my friends this.. if I can find any

                                100+ posts

                                We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                                Could you make a downloadable third-party IPA file, or a Scratch web app able to be added to the home screen on Apple systems? In-browser web apps don't usually work for me. Here's my system:
                                My browser / operating system: MacOS IPhone X, ChromeiOS 30.0.1599.16, No Flash version detected
                                If I ever find my tablet charger I'll show the system.

                                Scratching since 2010
                                when green flag clicked
                                Keep Smiling, Homie
                                  1000+ posts

                                  We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                                  vacuumfan7072 wrote:

                                  Could you make a downloadable third-party IPA file, or a Scratch web app able to be added to the home screen on Apple systems? In-browser web apps don't usually work for me. Here's my system:
                                  My browser / operating system: MacOS IPhone X, ChromeiOS 30.0.1599.16, No Flash version detected
                                  If I ever find my tablet charger I'll show the system.
                                  I think it requires PHP so you can't make an app unless someone hosts the files of their public web host.

                                  My browser / operating system: Macrosoft Winding XO, Internet Exploder 6.0, Angel Player ver.:1.2.5
                                    1000+ posts

                                    We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                                    Sure, I'll ping myself

                                    I know absolutley noth9in about GitHub though

                                    I am a Lava Expert
                                      1000+ posts

                                      We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                                      djdolphin wrote:

                                      Cool! I just got this running locally, and I could help some with debugging and stuff.

                                      EDIT: Does this support reading scratch 1.4 projects yet?

                                      Almost assuredly not - although I'm not very familiar with the code myself. Currently, the flash player can accept a 1.4 project and convert it to the new format, and if the user makes a change and saves, make the new format the primary save file.

                                      It's not clear how we'll handle 1.4 loads with this player - but rather than implement the entire conversion in the html5 player, again, we could consider doing something server side.

                                      Anyway - this is something to think about once we get the html 5 player closer – thanks for raising the issue!

                                      singmajesty wrote:

                                      Have you guys considered OpenFL? It uses the same Flash API, but compiles to iOS and Android natively. It also has the ability to compile to HTML5

                                      No - hadn't heard of that! We'll have to check it out and see if it could be a good fit. To work, it would have to be really well made – it's challenging to port things.

                                      Last edited by Lightnin (Oct. 30, 2013 00:27:08)

                                        500+ posts

                                        We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

                                        I'll Help!

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