Selected for frequency graph
Last selected term (selected for frequency & co-phrase graph)
Co-phrase of last selected term
Note: Co-phrases (white) are common phrases found in articles along with the last selected term (green).

"; params.set('tax' + (j - 1), params.get('tax' + j)); } params.delete('tax' + (taxValues.length - 1)); //params.delete('q'); params.set('q', query); taxValues.splice(i, 1); = params.toString(); window.history.pushState(null, null, url.toString()); // document.getElementById('tax' + (taxValues.length - 1)).outerHTML = "
×Taxonomy: " + taxValues[taxValues.length - 1].trim().split(" ").slice(0, taxLevelCount).join(" ") + "
"; } function addLastSnippet() { if (!(taxValues.indexOf(lastSnippet) > -1) && lastSnippet != "") { taxValues.push(lastSnippet); SetContextKey(); if (taxValues.length >= taxLevelCount) { // caps taxonomy levels at taxLevelCount //document.getElementById('MainContent_TaxonomyCheckbox').checked = false; //document.getElementById('MainContent_TaxonomyCheckbox').disabled = true; document.getElementById('MainContent_LastSnippetButton').disabled = true; } // Sets styling for taxonomy boxes, adds to page var alertBoxLast = "× Taxonomy: " + document.getElementById('MainContent_SearchText').value.trim().split(" ").slice(0, taxLevelCount).join(" "); $('#tax-box-div').append(alertBoxLast); $('#closeall-div').html(''); } }