Calendar of Internet Governance Meetings in 2024

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*Someone from PCH plans to attend meetings marked with an asterisk(*).

Subscribe to this calendar.

'; if (a.values.length > 4){ out += ' ' + a.values.length + ' Meetings'; } out += '

' + a.values[0].city + ', ' + a.values[0].ctry + '

'; out += '
'; for (i = 0; i "; out += "
"; return out; }, }, }) .table({ show: ['mo', 'start', 'name', 'atts', 'host', 'ctry'], collapseRowsBy: ['mo'], defaultSorting: { key: "start", mode: "asc" }, rowClassName: function(d){ // if we're changing months, add a class so we can style it if (d.mo != lastMo){ $result = 'month_start_row'; } else { $result = ''; } // only do these calls once if (count == 1) { $('#mt-table').prepend('

\ '); // $('.meetings #column_header_start').attr('colspan', '2'); addSumsRowAndHistogram(); } count++; lastMo = d.mo; return $result; }, }) .columns({ mo: { title: 'Month', }, start: { title: 'Day', nowrap: true, cellContent: function(d){ return d.dates; }, }, name: { title: 'Meeting', cellContent: function(d){ var name = ''; if (d.pch == "yes") { name = d.name + ' *'; } else { name = d.name; } if (d.url !== '') { if (d.url.substring(0,4) == 'http'){ html = '' + name + ''; } if (d.rename != ''){ name += ' (Rescheduled to ' + d.rename + ')'; } name = '' + name + ''; if (isAdmin){ return name + ' Edit'; } else { return name; } }, }, atts: { title: 'Participants', cellContent: function(d){ if (d.atts == 0) { return ''; } else { return d.atts; } }, }, host: { title: 'Host', }, ctry: { title: 'City, Country', cellContent: function(d){ if(d.mode === 'Teleconference'){ val = 'Teleconference'; } else if (d.city != ''){ val = d.city + ", " + d.ctry; } else { val = d.ctry; } return val; }, }, }) .render(); /** * Two AJAX Calls: * 1. Append a tfoot to the table with the sums of the rows * 2. Render a histogram of all the years meetings */ function addSumsRowAndHistogram() { $.getJSON(URL_ROOT + 'meetings/meta_data?year=' + year, function (result) { $('.meetings table').prepend( '' + '' + 'Totals' + '' + result.days + ' day' + ((result.days > 1)?'s':'') + '' + '' + result.meetings + ' meeting' + ((result.meetings > 1)?'s':'') + '' + '' + result.attendees + ' participant' + ((result.attendees > 1)?'s':'') + '' + '' + result.hosts + ' host' + ((result.hosts > 1)?'s':'') + '' + '' + result.cities + ' cit' + ((result.cities > 1)?'ies':'y') + ', ' + result.countries + ' countr' + ((result.countries > 1)?'ies':'y') + '' + '' + '' ); }); $.getJSON(URL_ROOT + 'meetings/data_chart?year=' + year, function (result) { HappyHistogram('histogram', result, '#013864'); }); } // listen for drop down changes $( "#year_meeting" ).change(function() { window.location.href = URL_ROOT + 'meetings?year=' + $(this).val(); });