[tz] models for timezones

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Mon Feb 12 03:45:41 UTC 2018

It gets mentioned here often enough, but there's another
significant aspect of the tz database which I'm not sure is always
sufficiently appreciated, and that's how significantly it extends
on the old V7/SysV/Posix model of time zones.

In that old model, a time zone has one offset from Greenwich/UTC,
and maybe a second offset on top of that to realize "daylight
saving time", and one set of rules for deciding when to
transition to and from DST.  (Once upon a time, that set of rules
might have been limited to the pre-1987 rules for the United
States, and it might have been hard-compiled into C code.  With
the advent of the Posix TZ environment variable definition it's
at least a little bit more flexible.)

But of course (and since the beginning) the tz database has
expanded on that model in at least two different ways:

  1. It's not limited to one "standard" and perhaps one "daylight"
     time per year; there can be almost arbitrarily many offsets
     and arbitrarily many transition dates between them.

  2. Everything -- the "base" offset (not that this is even
     a meaningful concept any more), the alternate offsets,
     and the transition dates between them can vary over time.

And of course the reasons for doing this were that both changes
were necessary in order to accommodate the real world; the old
SysV/Posix model simply couldn't cope.

But this means that there's a significantly imperfect match
between the tz database and any programming language or
time-handling library that has any of these notions:

* A timezone is primarily defined by its base offset from UTC.
* It's an additional property of a timezone whether it observes
  DST or not.
* If DST applies to a timezone, it's defined by an additional
  offset and a single set of rules defining when it applies.
* DST always involves a positive offset from the base offset.

You *might* be able to get away with a tricky and/or imperfect
mapping between the tz database and a scheme that has some of
those notions -- for example, the tz reference code successfully
implements the C/Posix API, isdst flag and all -- but it's bound
to have warts or imperfections.

Everything I've said here is, I imagine, familiar and
unsurprising to any regular reader of this list, but it probably
bears a bit more discussion in the Theory file.  I was going to
suggest adding these two new bullets under "Extensions to POSIX":

      *	The TZ database allows for considerably more variation
	in time per year beyond the familiar "standard" and
	"daylight savings" times.  A time zone can have any
	number of variations per year, and they may have
	arbitrary designations, not limited to "standard" and

      *	The parameters defining a time zone can vary over time,
	reflecting the fact that this happens in the real world
	all the time, as legislatures continually redefine them.
	Whether and when a zone observes DST (or other variants),
	and even the zone's notional "base offset" from UTC, are
	variable.  (Therefore it doesn't even really make sense
	to talk about a zone's "base offset", since it's not
	necessarily a single number.)

But that's in the "Time and date functions" section, and easy to
overlook.  So maybe these words belong as a paragraph higher up,
perhaps even in the initial "Scope of the tz database" section:

	Because the database's scope encompasses real-world
	timezones which have wide-ranging complexity and are
	always evolving, the model for describing time zones
	allows for considerably more variation in time per year
	beyond the familiar "standard" and "daylight savings"
	times.  A time zone can have any number of variations
	per year, and they may have arbitrary designations, not
	limited to "standard" and "daylight".  Furthermore,
	the parameters defining a time zone can vary over time.
	Whether and when a zone observes DST (or other variants),
	and even the zone's notional "base offset" from UTC, are
	variable.  (Therefore it doesn't even really make sense
	to talk about a zone's "base offset", since it is not
	necessarily a single number.)

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