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All modern OSes offer alternative

All modern OSes offer alternative

Posted Jun 25, 2009 5:43 UTC (Thu) by quotemstr (subscriber, #45331)
In reply to: All modern OSes offer alternative by khim
Parent article: Apache attacked by a "slow loris"

Because you need solutions, not a buzzwords?
This coming from somebody who's hawking a specific product as the solution to a whole class of problems? I don't think I'm the one who has to worry about buzzwords here.
You still need to configure server.
Reading the nginx webpage, it appears you can configure nginx as a caching reverse proxy. That's fine. My issue is that you pretend it's the only game in town when really, any caching reverse proxy will do. (And feature sets may differ; Varnish, for example, appears to have a more sophisticated load balancer.)

Also, I can't fathom why you would want your web accelerator serving content on its own. A caching reverse proxy setup is the only one that makes sense to me: that way, you have one place to configure what's served: the back-end servers. Because the back-end servers already mark what's static and what's not (via cache-control HTTP headers), you shouldn't have to do anything special to push static content to the front-end server, and the reverse proxy asking the back-end servers once in a while for some static content won't make a difference in the overall load.

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All modern OSes offer alternative

Posted Jun 26, 2009 12:21 UTC (Fri) by tcabot (subscriber, #6656) [Link]

I can imagine different case requiring different solutions. In one case (I think the one you're thinking of) the bulk of what gets served is generated by the back-end servers and the "static" assets are smaller by comparison - site icons, css, js, etc. In that case you're right: a proxy is the way to go because you're concentrating control and configuration in one place.

On the other hand, let's say that your site serves massive quantities of "interesting" image files (which I understand was the original use case for nginx). In that case the server needs to be extremely efficient because the working set is so large that a cache wouldn't do much good.

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