Table of contents

1. On PROPFIND, the Microsoft web folder client requests a set of DAV: properties which are not defined in RFC2518. What do they mean?
2. Upon PROPFIND / <allprop>, Microsoft's "Sharepoint" server (RC1) sends a response body that can't be parsed by my XML parser. What's going on?
3. My WebDAV server extends the DAV: <resourcetype> property with an extension. The MS web folder client displays all resources with a non-empty <resourcetype> property as collection. What's wrong?

Questions and answers

1. On PROPFIND, the Microsoft web folder client requests a set of DAV: properties which are not defined in RFC2518. What do they mean?

The client requests the following properties using PROPFIND:

<prop xmlns='DAV:'>
<contentclass />
<defaultdocument />
<href />
<iscollection />
<ishidden />
<isreadonly />
<isroot />
<isstructureddocument />
<lastaccessed />
<name />
<parentname />

None of these properties are defined in a published RFC, meaning these are proprietary extensions that have been moved into the "DAV:" namespace nevertheless. Funny enough, Microsoft's own WebDAV server (IIS) only supports a few of them, while the other ones are correctly reported as "not found" (404). When implementing a server, these properties can be safely ignored. Except for <ishidden> and <lastaccessed>, the client doesn't seem to use these properties anyway.

Here's a list about what is known about these properties:

contentclass -
defaultdocument Proposed in draft-hopmann-collection-props-00.
href Probably a bug in the client. <href> isn't a DAV: property, but it is a DAV: element returned in the response body for a PROPFIND.
iscollection Proposed in draft-hopmann-collection-props-00.
ishidden This property actually is supported by IIS and used by the client to determine whether the resource is hidden (equivalent to the FATFS/NTFS file flag). See also draft-hopmann-collection-props-00.
isreadonly -
isroot -
isstructureddocument Proposed in draft-hopmann-collection-props-00.
lastaccessed This property does not seem to be supported by IIS, yet the client will display it in the properties dialogue when present.
name -
parentname -

2. Upon PROPFIND / <allprop>, Microsoft's "Sharepoint" server (RC1) sends a response body that can't be parsed by my XML parser. What's going on?

The response body contains elements for which the local part of the QName starts with a digit, which contradicts the definition of a legal NCName. This means that the parser must reject it, and that it's impossible for a standards compliant WebDAV client to interoperate with Sharepoint (at least if <allprop> is required to work).

3. My WebDAV server extends the DAV: <resourcetype> property with an extension. The MS web folder client displays all resources with a non-empty <resourcetype> property as collection. What's wrong?

It's a known bug in Microsoft's web folder implementation.