This paper introduces a cryptographic engine, Janus, that assists clients in establishing and main- taining secure and pseudonymous relationships with ...
Abstract: This paper introduces a cryptographic engine, Janus, that assists clients in establishing and maintaining secure and pseudonymous relationships with ...
11 Jun 1998 · This paper introduces a cryptographic engine, Janus, that assists clients in establishing and maintaining secure and pseudonymous ...
1 Nov 1999 · The setting is such that clients reside on a particular subnet (e.g., corporate intranet, ISP) and the servers reside anywhere on the Internet.
PDF | This paper introduces a cryptographic engine, Janus, which assists clients in establishing and maintaining secure and pseudonymous relationships.
The Janus engine allows each client-server relationship to use either weak or strong authentication on each interaction, and preserves privacy by neither ...
The setting is such that clients re-side on a particular subnet (e.g., corporate intranet, ISP) and the servers reside anywhere on the Inter-net. The Janus ...
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Bibliographic details on On Secure and Pseudonymous Client-Relationships with Multiple Servers.
9 Apr 2002 · This paper introduces a cryptographic engine, Janus, that assists clients in establishing and maintaining secure and pseudonymous relationships ...