{"payload":{"header_redesign_enabled":false,"results":[{"body":"IETF107.1 Online Code Sprint Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF tools, particularly the IETF Datatracker , that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 1.11? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A computer ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc If so, please sign up on the IETF107.1SprintSignUp page. Venue This sprint will be an online code sprint. The sprint will run from 14:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC on 19 May 2020. We'll be using Webex here: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m15db59f929c4dcbfed8ba5719fcb770c This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Tom Pusateri Add Remote Instructions to JSON agenda 2955 Jim Fenton At large IRSG members cannot ballot 2979 Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets at http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/report/13 for those not marked sprint. Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF107.1Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF107.1 Online Code Sprint Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF tools, particularly the IETF Datatracker , that you most\nurgently desire to fix ...","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF107.1Sprint","id":"ff475b4bca54e33a7b1e21da0bbec3bea93e2d82","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF107.1Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF107.1Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"IETF105 Code Sprint Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 1.11? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A laptop ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc. Are you available on 20 July 2019 from 9:30 to 18:00? If so, please sign up on the IETF105SprintSignUp page. Venue This sprint will take place in the Rue Mansfield room . The coding will end 18:00 on the dot, with dinner afterwards.\nThe meeting rooms map will help you find the way here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/105/floor-plan This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Jim Fenton Closing note for WGs 2725 Jean Mahoney Code Sprint wiki pages refactoring Jari Arkko Periodic statistics tools cleanup to reduce the number of unrecognised authors Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Jean Mahoney wiki edits/refactoring Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets at http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/report/13 for those not marked sprint. Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF105Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF105 Code Sprint Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire ...","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF105Sprint","id":"76aad6e29b3323e1c0a4aa4435f99cf596ec2668","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF105Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF105Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"Philadelphia IETF Code Sprint We'll have a code sprint in Philadelphia, in connexsion with IETF 71, too.\nHere's Russ' announcement: Subject: Philadelphia IETF Code Sprint\nDate: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:23:51 -0500\nFrom: IETF Chair < chair@ietf.org > Reply-To: ietf@ietf.org\nTo: IETF Announcement list < ietf-announce@ietf.org > Philadelphia IETF Code Sprint\n\nWhen: Saturday, 8 March 2008, begining at 9:30 AM\n\nWhere: IETF Hotel in Philadelphia \n\nWhat: A bunch of hackers get together to work on code for the IETF web\n site. Some people may be porting of existing functionality to\n the new framework; some people may be adding exciting new\n functionality. All code will become part of the open source\n IETF tools.\n\nWho: Hopefully you can help\n\nHenrik Levkowetz and Bill Fenner were very happy with the results on the\nVancouver IETF Code Sprint. So, we are doing another code sprint in\nPhiladelphia. Again, Henrik, Bill, and Cullen Jennings will be\ncoordinating the event. You will hear more from them shortly, beginning\nwith brainstorming about which things to work on during this event.\n\nPlease support the tools development effort,\n Russ You can sign up on the PhillySprintSignUp page. Sprint Project Proposals Refined IETF Search: Replace the search done from the search form at the top of http://www.ietf.org with a more refined version: RefinedIetfSearch Event trail: Catch all commits to the database, and emit them in a well-defined\n(XML? JSON? AVPs?) format through a pub-sub interface such as for instance XMPP,\nfor use by tool authors in general. Continue the website re-design started in Vancouver. (I guess that means I'll do more XHTML/CSS -- Lars.) A common, simplified and capability-extended document search page. This could mean\nsuch things as using one search entry field only, and doing the right thing based\non the content. Serve links to the document itself first and documents which refer\nto it if the search term contains !draft-xxxx or rfcNNNN; for free-text search try\nwith authors, titles, abstract, and eventually fall back to a full document content\nsearch. This is similar to RefinedIetfSearch , but implemented completely in Django\non top of the database, except maybe for the full-text fallback which could be\nhanded out to google. Fixing the set of WG mailing list URLs in the Google co-op search. This has been broken for a while, maybe because of the transition. -- Lars and Jari Additional work on IESG statistics -- Jari Refactoring some of the code in getauthors (which is a horrible hack) and testing to make sure it still works right. -- Jari (Done and tested) For more ideas, see VancouverSprintBrainstorm and VancouverSprint .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-PhillySprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Philadelphia IETF Code Sprint We'll have a code sprint in Philadelphia, in connexsion with IETF 71, too.\nHere's Russ' announcement: Subject: Philadelphia IETF Code Sprint\nDate: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:23","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: PhillySprint","id":"b76580e44740e368440bfc625a5875f0cd82af66","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-PhillySprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: PhillySprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"IETF106 Code Sprint Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 1.11? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A laptop ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc. Are you available on the Saturday before IETF 106 from 9:30 to 18:00? If so, please sign up on the IETF106SprintSignUp page. Venue This sprint will take place in the Ord meeting room. The coding will end 18:00 on the dot, with dinner afterwards.\nThe meeting rooms map will help you find the way here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/106/floor-plan This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Ryan Cross Fix resurrect draft #2646 Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Jim Fenton Latent issue with closing notes #2779 Jim Fenton Post-closure edit of closing notes #2781 Tero Kivinen Making reviewers page more compact by making some columns narrower. Tero Kivinen Adding new settings for secretary to limit how many items are shown on the reviewers page. When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Jean Mahoney wiki edits/refactoring Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets at http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/report/13 for those not marked sprint. Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF106Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF106 Code Sprint Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire ...","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF106Sprint","id":"3658699dd74711111d9bd989d238544e908ac789","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF106Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF106Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"IETF107 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < p style=\"background-color:#c0c000;\" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > The sprint that follows this is at IETF107.1Sprint . This codesprint, like the IETF 107 meeting, will be virtual This will be a virtual codesprint coordinated over Webex . It will be held\n1600-1800 UTC on Sat 21Mar. See this page at timeanddate.com for a translation of that into a few timezones. Here are the webex coordinates . These have also available on the codesprints@ietf.org email list . Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 1.11? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A laptop ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc. If so, please sign up on the IETF107SprintSignUp page. This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Jim Fenton Links to person pages 2918 Jean Mahoney Nomcom name is anachronistic 2860 Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Jean Mahoney Nomcom name is anachronistic 2860 When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets at http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/report/13 for those not marked sprint. Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF107Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF107 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < p style="background-color:#c0c000;" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > The sprint that follows this is at IETF107.1Sprint . This","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF107Sprint","id":"c99ed0ca42526655f15c02f59d41ec0cc6e8f066","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF107Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF107Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"IETF108.1 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < !-- < p style=\"background-color:#c0c000;\" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > -- > This codesprint will be virtual This will be a virtual codesprint coordinated over Webex . It will be held\n2000-2200 UTC on Friday October 9, 2020. Note that this is a rescheduled date. See this page at timeanddate.com for a translation of that into a few timezones. Here are the webex coordinates . These are also available on the codesprints@ietf.org email list . Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 2.2? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A laptop ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc. If so, please sign up on the IETF108.1SprintSignUp page. This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets at http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/report/13 for those not marked sprint. Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF108.1Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF108.1 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < !-- < p style="background-color:#c0c000;" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > -- > This codesprint will be virtual This will be a","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF108.1Sprint","id":"7b77b083387e2fa3831dfcf1602fdee6b656316c","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF108.1Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF108.1Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"IETF108 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < !-- < p style=\"background-color:#c0c000;\" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > -- > This codesprint, like the IETF 108 meeting, will be virtual This will be a virtual codesprint coordinated over Webex . It will be held\n1600-1800 UTC on Sat July 25th. See this page at timeanddate.com for a translation of that into a few timezones. Here are the webex coordinates . These are also available on the codesprints@ietf.org email list . Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 2.2? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A laptop ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc. If so, please sign up on the IETF108SprintSignUp page. This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Jari Requested updates and bug fixes on stats tools n.a. Jim Fenton Interim change to disable chairs from editing milestone descriptions 3036 Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets at http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/report/13 for those not marked sprint. Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF108Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF108 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < !-- < p style="background-color:#c0c000;" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > -- > This codesprint, like the IETF 108 meeting, will be","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF108Sprint","id":"2c36cbc8ba54952931684e65c2ea58161fffc309","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF108Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF108Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"IETF109 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < !-- < p style=\"background-color:#c0c000;\" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > -- > This codesprint, like the IETF 109 meeting, will be virtual This will be a virtual codesprint coordinated over Webex . It will be held on Sat Nov 14 at 0500-0700 UTC (1200-1400 in Singapore) See this page at timeanddate.com for a translation of that into a few timezones. Here are the webex coordinates . These are also available on the codesprints@ietf.org email list . Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 2.2? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A laptop ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc. If so, please sign up on the IETF109SprintSignUp page. This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets at http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb/report/13 for those not marked sprint. Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF109Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF109 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < !-- < p style="background-color:#c0c000;" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > -- > This codesprint, like the IETF 109 meeting, will be","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF109Sprint","id":"ae8435ed8b5567fe96524577ee52016703561d66","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF109Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF109Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"IETF110.1 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < !-- < p style=\"background-color:#c0c000;\" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > -- > This codesprint will be virtual This will be a virtual codesprint coordinated over Webex. It will be held on Tue Jun 1 2021 1500-1900 UTC. See this page at timeanddate.com for a translation of that into a few timezones. Note that this is not the usual Saturday before the IETF timeslot The expectation is that any given attendee would only be around for a couple of hours. Dropping in and out is not a problem. Here are the webex coordinates . Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF tools, particularly the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of Python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 2.2? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A laptop ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc. If so, please sign up on the IETF110.1SprintSignUp page. This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://trac.ietf.org/trac/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets here for those not marked sprint . Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF110.1Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF110.1 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < !-- < p style="background-color:#c0c000;" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > -- > This codesprint will be virtual This will be a","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF110.1Sprint","id":"1e91f60e9083d72dff81be16e5c2a3a41b5a2328","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF110.1Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF110.1Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"},{"body":"IETF110 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < p style=\"background-color:#c0c000;\" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > The sprint that follows this is at IETF110.1Sprint . This codesprint, like the IETF 110 meeting, will be virtual This will be a virtual codesprint coordinated over Webex. It will be held on Tue Feb 23 from 1600-2000 UTC. See this page at timeanddate.com for a translation of that into a few timezones. Note that this is not the usual Saturday before the IETF timeslot The expectation is that any given attendee would only be around for a couple of hours. Dropping in and out is not a problem. Here are the webex coordinates . Code Sprint Goals The IETF Code Sprint will let\nyou work on those things about the IETF tools, particularly the IETF Datatracker that you most\nurgently desire to fix. How to Participate Do you have: A desire to fix Datatracker bugs , implement Datatracker EnhancementIdeas , and/or identify areas of code that lack testing coverage and write tests for those areas? A working knowledge of Python and/or web design? Understanding of the basic concepts of Django 2.2? Here is an excellent tutorial if not. A laptop ready to be set up (or better, already setup) with a development environment? See SprintCoderSetup for information on setting up your environment, checking out and committing code, etc. If so, please sign up on the IETF110SprintSignUp page. This Code Sprint's Plan If you're looking for a short task to work on, look for rows marked \"easy\" in this query of Datatracker tickets . Please consider the higher priority items first. If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using http://trac.ietf.org/trac/ietfdb/newticket Code Sprint Coordination We have the mailing list \" codesprints@ietf.org \" to help with coordination and\nfor use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event\nstarts. More info on the list is available at https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/codesprints . There is also a jabber room at xmpp:codesprint@jabber.ietf.org ?join During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with\ncoordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-) Who's Working on What? Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the code sprint.\nIt's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-) Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** Ryan Merge Person special handling for ReviewerSettings #3183 Jim \"No documents match your query.\" isn't really accurate #3148 Completed Code Ready for Merge and Release Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers ** When your code is ready for merge and release,\nplease use one of the following phrases in your commit message: If all related changes are contained in one commit: Commit ready for merge If all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit: Branch ready for merge Committing code is described more extensively in CodeRepository #Requestingamergetotrunk For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table: Who Notes Wishlist (for This Sprint or Future Sprints) See (and add to) the EnhancementIdeas list. To add to the list, open a new trac ticket . If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets here for those not marked sprint . Special Notes for Setup for This Sprint The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto .","filename":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF110Sprint.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"IETF110 Virtual Code Sprint #!html < p style="background-color:#c0c000;" > This page is for a sprint that has already finished. < p > The sprint that follows this is at IETF110.1Sprint . This","hl_title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF110Sprint","id":"ddffbbbdc58563d9306bef79635069b4f54fc8ea","path":"Historic:-Sprint:-IETF110Sprint.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":465885927,"name":"datatracker","owner_id":49498074,"owner_login":"ietf-tools","updated_at":"2024-05-14T23:56:14.473Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":465885927,"title":"Historic: Sprint: IETF110Sprint","updated_at":"2023-04-26T18:09:24.000-05:00"}],"type":"wikis","page":1,"page_count":5,"elapsed_millis":120,"errors":[],"result_count":49,"facets":[],"protected_org_logins":[],"topics":null,"query_id":"","logged_in":false,"sign_up_path":"/signup?source=code_search_results","sign_in_path":"/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Drepo%253Aietf-tools%252Fdatatracker%2Bis%253Awiki%2B%2522Code%2BSprint%2522%2BNOT%2B%2522Signup%2522%26type%3Dwikis","metadata":null},"title":"Wiki search results"}