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GAC Advice

The GAC provides advice to the ICANN Board on policy matters where there may be an interaction between ICANN’s policies and various laws, international agreements and public policy objectives. GAC Advice is communicated to the ICANN Board through either a Communique or a formal piece of Correspondence.

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2013-09-09-wine and vin

GAC Advice

Reference No. :

2013-09-09-wine and vin

First Delivered via :



Consensus met

2013-09-09-wine and vin

Date/Source Document

9 September 2013


Letter from GAC Chair to ICANN Board

'The GAC set a deadline of 30 days for its consideration of possible additional safeguard advice for .wine and .vin. With reference to Module 3.1.1 of the Applicant Guidebook and the Durban Communiqué 2.a regarding .wine and .vin., the GAC advises the ICANN Board that the GAC has finalized its consideration of the strings .wine and .vin and further advises that the applications should proceed through the normal evaluation process.

While there is no GAC consensus advice on specific safeguards, it deserves to be noted that the crux of the matter relates to the handling of geographical indications, for which there is a range of views among the GAC membership. Some members support referencing geographical indications while others are opposed. There is no international agreement among governments about how to treat geographical indications and, as a consequence, no basis for an agreement in the GAC on safeguards that would offer additional protections.

The GAC or its members may communicate further details to the Board as to the nature of the differences in views.'

Responsible Party


Current Status/Communications Log

Beijing Advice

Durban Advice

Letter from GAC Chair to ICANN Board

Letter from ICANN Board to the GAC

Board Action (Accept/Disagree)

.wine and .vin: On 9 September 2013, the NGPC received a letter from Heather Dryden to Steve Crocker re: .wine and .vin. The letter noted that there is no GAC consensus advice on additional specific safeguards, and that the GAC or its members may communicate further details to the Board as to the nature of the differences in views. As such, the NGPC stands ready to hear from GAC members as to the nature of the differences in views expressed in the advice while the NGPC is analyzing the community input received on this advice.