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Volunteer with MoveOn

MoveOn's work is only possible through the vital work of thousands of people who make up and power the Volunteer Network!

We do everything from responding to thousands of member emails, to sending millions of text messages, to training and supporting other members to lead in their communities. And oftentimes, we take the lead ourselves! No matter your skills and areas of interest, there’s a role for everyone in MoveOn’s Volunteer Network.

Here’s some of what’s in store for members of our volunteer network community:

  • Exclusive access to MoveOn communication channels for you to connect with other MoveOn volunteers to strategize, share best practices, and swap resources.
  • Opportunities for exclusive MoveOn merchandise, trainings, caucuses, working groups, and occasional scholarships to progressive conferences and events for personal development.
  • Being the first to know when national mobilizations are planned–and having a place to pitch mobilizations when you think it’s needed.


Community Support

MoveOn’s Community Support Team is the volunteer powerhouse that supercharges MoveOn’s capacity to make change in the world. These fully volunteer-run teams work with dedicated staff to provide critical assistance to MoveOn’s campaigns and  mobilizations year-round. Whether you’re researching down-ballot progressive candidates for MoveOn’s endorsements, vetting events for a national day of action, prepping event hosts across the country, supporting and moderating calls and livestreams, or any of our many other opportunities, Community Support has a role for you. 

You can help improve the lives of all Americans—all from the comfort of your own home!

A vector of two blue hands grasped together and to the left is bold text, "MoveOn Community Support Team"

The MoveOn Community Support Team is for people who:

  • Want to support MoveOn’s campaign work, including rapid response mobilizations, petitions, and other related special projects. 
  • Want to support our members and our internal Volunteer Network teams by answering questions, sharing resources, and troubleshooting tech and tools. 
  • Want to recruit, coach, and train Mobilizers and MoveOn members to organize successfully, take action, and build their communities and organizing skills.  

The Community Support Team is just that—a community. We do this work together. No matter the amount of time, knowledge, or skill you may have, there’s a role in this impactful activist community for you. 

Looking for a way to make a difference this election cycle from the comfort of your own home? People power is at the heart of MoveOn, and MoveOn's Community Support Team needs your help! Please sign up below to join.

MoveOn Mobilizers

MoveOn Mobilizers are a vibrant community of grassroots activists around the country mobilizing for progressive change by taking digital and offline actions like organizing lobby visits, rallies, phonebanks, and more in their communities. MoveOn Mobilizers are at the forefront of reimagining what it means to be agents of change. MoveOn Mobilize, our mobile app, acts as the home base for our Mobilizers. Here, our Mobilizers have access to exclusive MoveOn trainings, events, and updates. Mobilizers share everything from organizing skills and resources to favorite recipes and activism opportunities with one another because together we are building a community of collective care, action, camaraderie, accountability and belonging. 

A blue speaker icon on the left and a text saying MoveOn Mobilizers on the right.

The MoveOn Mobilizers community is for MoveOn members who:

Are action oriented. Have you ever attended or hosted an event demanding change in your community? Have you participated in a MoveOn training or program? If not, would you like to? Have you signed several petitions for MoveOn? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we think you’ll love being a part of the Mobilizers community.

Want to stay involved. Mobilizers enjoy engaging in discussions, attending events and trainings, and/or organizing events in their community.

Are committed to an inclusive and progressive future. Members of the Mobile Mobilizers Team are passionate about creating a world marked by equality, sustainability, justice, and love. And we mobilize together to achieve it.