Zoom Premier Support

Get the help you need quick and easy with plans that provide prioritized responses and dedicated management

Zoom Premier Support offers expert help when you need help the most

Priority Response

Priority Response

Speed to resolution, while maximizing uptime availability of the Zoom Service

Technical Resources

Technical Resources

Administrators get prioritized routing to trained technical personnel

Technical Account Management

Technical Account Management

Technical Account Managers will be your trusted advisor for service-related activities

Find a support plan that fits your business needs


Premier +

24x7 Global Access



Self Service & Chat Bot



Tier 1 Support
(Chat, Web Ticket)



Tier 1 Support



Direct Tier 2
(Chat, Web Ticket, and Phone)



Service Level Objective


Service Level Agreement


Automated Notification/Escalation


Technical Account Manager


Marketplace & API/SDK Support


Global Technical Account Managers
(included with Premier Elite)


Global Assigned Elite Technicians
(included with Premier Elite)


Custom Operational Terms
(included with Premier Elite)


* Licensed: A member or admin that has been assigned a paid subscription license
** Access phone support is currently available only for Business, Enterprise, and Education customers


Get in touch with a Zoom specialist to find out more about Premier Support

Get in touch with a Zoom specialist to find out more about Premier Support

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* Required information

Additional information related to your business needs*

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