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Consumer Alert

Your right to get information about funeral services by phone

Alvaro Puig
Whether you’re making funeral arrangements for a loved one in another state, or simply can’t or don’t want to meet with the funeral provider in person to learn about the goods and services they offer, the FTC’s Funeral Rule gives you the right to get accurate information over the phone. FTC investigators recently discovered many violations of the Funeral Rule, including some providers that didn’t give accurate price information over the phone and others that didn’t give out any price information over the phone.
Consumer Alert

Imposters prey on families preparing for the funeral of a loved one

Alvaro Puig
We’re hearing about a new scheme that involves imposters preying on people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The imposters pretend to be from the funeral home and say that, unless the family pays more money immediately, the funeral will be canceled. Can you imagine anything more despicable?

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