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Is it possible to use zoom outlook add-in in delegation?

Is it possible for an executive assistant to schedule a zoom meeting using the outlook zoom add-in from iPhone? It does show for the executive assistant email account but then choosing the executive they are delegated for, the add-in does not show. n...

dveiga by Listener
  • 9 replies

Remote Control Windows 10 Enterprise

Remote control on the newest installer of Zoom has stopped working. It worked on old installers 5-x versions, but if you download the latest windows installer of zoom, and request a remote control from a remote machine in a meeting, i get a promot th...

Ipad top row

The top portion of the top row on my IPAD gets cut off when there is 3 or more rows in the Zoom meeting??

artie by Listener
  • 2 replies


Tenía una reunión con personas inscritas previamente, el día de la reunión, cuando ingresaron las personas, muchas de ellas quedaron con nombre de usuario "PRUEBA 1", no se si tal vez fueron los registros que hicimos como importación de datos o hay o...

CUME by Observer
  • 0 replies

image and sound appear staggered? Help

I have an iMac Retina 5k. In zoom meetings it often happens that the image and sound appear staggered with a delay of approx. 2 seconds. So first the sound and the picture follow with a time delay. I can't work like this, does anyone know a solution ...

CDCoach by Observer
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AI Companion - transcription on a recording

Hi everyone, I unfortunately didn't turn AI Companion on for my last meetings. Is it somehow possible to have a recorded video transcribed (or summarized) after the meeting (one is on the cloud, one on my computer only) via AI Companion ? If so, how ...

Au-Ma by Observer
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