This is the documentation site for TLD-OPS:

Main TLD-OPS web site:


How to use these documents?

TLD-OPS developed a series of documents to help ccTLDs with their DR/BCP posture and the tools for a ccTLD to perform their own table top exercise. TLD-OPS requested that the TLD-OPS DR/BCP Playbook be translated.

This playbook aims to offer a hands-on guideline to whoever wants to implement a business continuity strategy within a smaller registry operator. Its target audience is oriented towards upper and/or middle management. It assumes that the registry operator has the commitment, sponsorship and mission from its supervising body (be it a Board, governmental representation or any other form) to develop resilience against disruptive events in the form of a business continuity plan.

As this document tries to be as practical as possible, it contains a number of practical example tables that can be copied and used in the different stages of the development and implementation.

It also contains some examples which could be used as templates or as inspiration to develop business continuity/disaster recovery plans.




The zip file below contains the Adobe indesign file format that most print shops will accept for printing the deck of cards. The content of the cars are translated in the above documents.

TLD-OPS DDoS Mitigation Playbook:

The soft copies of the DDoS Mitigation playbook are available here in in multiple languages:

TLD-OPS Monitoring Tools:

If you have any recommendations on new tools that should be added, or removed, or reviewed please let the TLD-OPS Standing committee know.

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